You Deserve Happiness In This Life

If you are not looking for your own happiness and well-being, there are not very many others who will, and you will therefore be easier to manipulate. This is why you need to define what you like
You deserve happiness in this life

In this life, you deserve happiness, and while you are probably aware that not all of your dreams can come true, you should be happy with what you have. As well as being peaceful and willing to accept all the good things that are in your way.

Is it selfish to say out loud that one deserves to be happy? Of course not. It is something that everyone deserves – just like we all have the right to be loved, respected and valued.

Nothing is more important than focusing on living a happy life. But one thing must first be completely clear in one’s head. There is no point in waiting for others to “make one happy.

To find happiness, one has to focus on oneself.

You Deserve Happiness: To find happiness, one must learn what one wants and will not accept in life

In fact , it does not take much to find happiness. Anyone who thinks that happiness is something that comes from having a lot of digits in the bank account or an entire army of friends in their address book has completely misunderstood it.

All you need is a life full of dignity and independence, where you can surround yourself with what is really and honestly important to you.

  • Happiness can sometimes be a humble or minimalist act. That is to say, the most important thing is to know what one wants and it should be something that one can define and then achieve.
  • For example, try living a day-to-day life where you do the things you enjoy and are proud of. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
  • Everything else will simply become “accessories”, aspects or things that can bring both benefit and complications in your life.
  • Knowing what you honestly want out of life is not always easy. It first requires that one has some life experiences that can help set certain expectations.
  • Learning that there are certain people whose personality does not match yours – if you are introverted for example – will help prioritize having few close friends over having many, and that is something you find out over time.

You deserve happiness: You deserve to be valued and respected


This is an essential rule that one must never forget: you already know what you deserve, and in order to put yourself first and take care of your self-esteem, you know that you also deserve the respect of others.

It may sound obvious, but if you do not first have love for yourself. Then it is easy to be misled and manipulated by the wishes of others. And following motivations that are not your own, to the point where you override your own happiness.

It’s not worth it. Defend what is yours, defend your personality, your space and your personal values. In this life, everyone deserves to be respected and also valued.

  • Parents should recognize and respect their children so that they grow up in a happy and emotionally stable way. This helps them to develop a healthy self-esteem that they can cultivate from day to day.
  • In order to be happy, you also need respect and love from your partners. In addition to taking care of themselves, there should be reciprocity in relationships in order for them to remain happy and stable.
  • No one is selfish when they say they need to be respected. You deserve the respect of your family, your friends, your colleagues and of course from your partner in the relationship.

And besides this, because you have learned to respect yourself, you are now also able to show respect to other people in your life because you know how you yourself want to be treated.

You deserve happiness: Happiness is your lifelong goal

Happy woman

In this life you may want a bigger house, an attractive partner who is also considerate and humble and also a wonderful job. But more than all these things, you should always be happy with the things life brings you.

You may not be able to achieve all your dreams, but happiness is not one thing: it is created by moments, people, and life experiences.

Try to live life with open eyes and an open heart, and enjoy the here and now to the fullest.

  • It does not matter if you are single or do not have a sea of ​​friends. Just be good to yourself and learn to count the people who make you really happy on a single hand.
  • Sometimes life is not easy and it throws obstacles in your way. Therefore, there is another important aspect that you should keep an eye on every day, namely your attitude.
  • Your attitude is one of the most critical things that you have inside yourself. It lets you face life with courage and optimism.
  • A positive attitude lets you see the reality knowing that yes, there are bad times. But there are also many good ones, so be happy with life every day. You know that if you repel this feeling and get caught up in anger, you will simply get caught up in your own unhappiness.

You need to learn to look forward to the horizon with hope, and put yourself first as well as learn to love everything around you with simplicity and humility.

You deserve happiness in your life!

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