Why Should We Eat Nuts?

Nuts are very nutritious and easy to find. Therefore, these foods are a good idea for almost everyone. In addition, they are easy to transport and you can snack on them wherever you are.
Why should we eat nuts?

Many people have long hesitated to eat nuts because there was a general belief that they were too high in calories and fat.

In addition, we easily overeat them because they are so small and delicious! Is this not happening to you? You start eating and then you can hardly stop again.

If you feel like eating nuts this way it is a problem. Nevertheless, it is a different matter if you eat them in moderation: Not only do they help you control your hunger, they also have great benefits for your health in general, which is important.

But they do not all have the same qualities: each kind of nut has its own specific benefits, and because of this it is ideal to eat nuts, and at the same time keep these different positive qualities in mind.

This way, eating the same does not become monotonous and you can compliment your diet with these effective snacks.

Learn how to eat nuts most effectively

Walnuts for chronic pain

walnuts for pain

Walnuts are rich in Omega 3, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. Because of this, they are recommended for those who have chronic pain, joint pain or migraines.

In addition to this, they also contain many antioxidants, so they help us slow down aging and prevent cell damage.

All of these properties help to improve the previously mentioned problems, especially in connection with skeletal and muscle health.

Almonds for better circulation

almonds and milk

In addition , the antioxidants and saturated fats in almonds reduce cholesterol levels.

As we know, excess cholesterol and glucose make it harder for the bloodstream to circulate. It causes complications, ranging from restlessness in the legs, to more severe symptoms such as heart attack or stroke.

Finally, almonds have significant amounts of fiber. This property is essential so that our bodies eliminate what is causing damage, such as fat without nutritional value that just gives us extra weight.

Cashews increase brain activity

cashews for brain activity

Cashews give you a boost of vitamins and minerals. One of the most important is iron, which helps oxygen reach the brain.

We have difficulty concentrating and maintaining information when we suffer from iron deficiency.

In addition to iron, cashews are also rich in magnesium and zinc, which are essential for your immune system.

When our immune system is strong , we can counteract early aging, as our memory degenerates at a slower rate. Remember that memory is vital to our understanding of the world.

Pistachios to stay in shape

Nuts in bowl

Out of all the nuts that grow on the trees, pistachios contain the fewest calories. Moreover, they force us to eat them more slowly as they come in a shell.

When we eat something slower, the stomach has a better time to feel if it is full.

As with other nuts , pistachios contain large amounts of vitamin E, a great antioxidant. They are also a super good source of potassium, which is ideal for strengthening the nervous system and muscles.

They also help in digestion, resulting in easier weight loss.

Can we eat all the nuts we want?

As mentioned in the beginning, it is certain that nuts are a source of carbohydrates.

We also know that even though carbohydrates are necessary, you need to control the amount you eat, because if you do not burn all the energy you consume, then it is converted into fat in the body.

Everything else being equal, not all bodies work the same way. This may be a good starting point, but in the end, do what works for you.

The indicator will be the scale: if you are gaining weight by consuming more nuts it is best to reduce the amount.

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