What Are Chakras And What Are They For?

Chakras are energy points whose balance helps us develop our vital energy and achieve overall better physical and mental well-being.
What are chakras and what are they for?

In the last few years, many people have become more interested in therapies that offer oriental medicine. Oriental theories are centered on achieving physical, mental and energetic balance as the ability to treat various health problems. In this article we will talk about what chakras are and what they are for.

Whether it is out of curiosity or the desire to find a solution to pain that traditional medicine cannot cure, many have chosen to try this alternative.

Thus, many people have also discovered words like “energy” and “chakras”.

But what are chakras?

In this article, we answer this question.

What are chakras?

The term “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and means “circle” or “disk”.

Just like in Hinduism, the chakras are 7 centers of energy found in different parts of the human body.

They act as regulator “valves” that help energy through your body. Depending on their location, they vary in their strength and speed.

In India, they believe that inhaled air, or “prana energy”, runs through your body and gives strength to the various energy points.

Chakras receive, accumulate and distribute prana energy to optimize its functions in different parts of your body.

Where are the chakras and what do they do?

Chakras are found along the spine up to the vertex, known as avadhuti.

For those who follow Buddhism or Hinduism, these energy points are counted from the bottom up in 6 zones in your body.

Others, however, believe that there is a seventh chakra, which is found in the crown of your head.

Now we will take a look at each of the chakras and their purpose.

Muladhara, or Base Chakra

This chakra is located between the anus and genitals. It is connected to the adrenal glands.

  • The assigned color is red and its element is the ground.
  • Fear blocks it. You need to release your fears with clarity to release this chakra.

Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

Woman meditating

Next, this chakra lies in the sacrum. It is connected to the suprarenal glands.

  • Orange is its color and its assigned element is water.
  • It is blocked by guilt . You need to let go of this and know when to forgive to release your energy.

Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is located inside your navel. It is connected to your spleen, liver and stomach.

  • It is associated with the color yellow and fire.
  • Shame blocks it.

Anahata or Heart Chakra

Person holding a heart - what are chakras

This chakra can be found in the heart. It is connected to the thymus gland.

  • Green is its color and it is associated with the air.
  • Pain is what blocks it and it is related to the emotions in your heart.

Vishuddha or Neck Chakra

Woman clearing herself - what are chakras

You can find it in the neck area. It is connected to the thyroid gland.

  • The corresponding color is blue and its element is ether.
  • It is related to communication.

Ajna or third eye chakra

Female eyes - what are chakras

You can find this chakra between your two eyes. It is connected to the pituitary gland.

  • Purple is the color associated with it.
  • It is associated with intuition. You block it by mistake.

Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

You can find this chakra on the crown of your head. It is also associated with the pituitary gland, the center of cosmic energy.

  • Purple and indigo represent it.
  • It is blocked by everyday life.

Why is it important to keep your chakras clean?

Woman meditating -what are chakras

Chakras are associated with your thoughts, feelings and habits. When you achieve balance with them, you strengthen your vital energy and you can enjoy a strong sense of physical and
mental well-being

If your emotions or your lifestyle are not healthy, your chakras begin to deteriorate and create imbalance. Then you can pay this imbalance with your mentality, health and relationships.

When you have clean chakras (when nothing interferes with your flow), you can e.g. enjoy the following benefits:

  • Better mental clarity,
  • Better quality in sleep,
  • Constant vital energy,
  • Better health and longevity,
  • Sensitivity and intuition,
  • Better concentration,
  • Greater connection with the universe,
  • Freedom from fear and anger.

How to clean your chakras

Colored stones - what are chakras

Today, there are various treatments to balance chakra activity. Some of the most popular are:

  • Meditation and yoga,
  • Quartz baths,
  • Deep breathing.

Those people who feel that they are not able to balance their chakras alone can practice daily meditation or go to specialized centers.

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