Void In The Heart: Is Something Missing?

You do not need material things or other people to fill your void in the heart. There is only one thing that can fill it: to love oneself.
Vacuum in the heart: Is something missing?

You do not need material things or other people to fill your void in the heart. There is only one thing that can fill it: to love oneself.

Sometimes it can feel like you have a void in your heart, even if you do not know how it came about. It is an emotional longing that feels like you are not whole. You may need to fill it with something.

A void in the heart can occur when one of our loved ones dies, after a broken relationship, or maybe just after a disappointment.

Be aware. If it lasts and you try to fill it with people and things, then  you are patching over the real reason why you have this emotional emptiness.

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The infinite void in the heart

Pay attention to a void in the heart

Many people try to  compensate for the painful emotional void, by searching towards material things. This is where you can make compulsive purchases that will later gnaw at your conscience.

You spend money trying to think of something other than what hurts so much. But  it is only a patchwork solution. It does not remove the real problem.

Conversely, there are other people who try to fill a void in the heart by attaching themselves to other people. They can even use and manipulate them so that they do not feel lonely.

This is a really bad idea, because they hurt both themselves and others. Unfortunately, it will end up in a destructive, unhappy situation.

But  this void in the heart makes you desperate. It leads you to attach yourself to something or someone that can give you relief – now.

Often, people who suffer will resort to comfort eating or self-harm because the feeling is so unbearable that they find ways to avoid the problem.

Origins in childhood

Missing can have its origins in childhood

Your childhood is, as you already know, a fundamental period in your life. It is at this point that  emotional deficiencies are created which can cause problems all the way through adulthood.

If you grew up in a disharmonious family, or if your parents had a dysfunctional relationship, you may not have received the attention you needed.

As a child, you adapted to the situation. Therefore, it may not have had a noticeable effect when you were still young.

But as you get older, emotional relationships become infinitely more complicated. Things that you have experienced emerge in your life, with more strength than ever before. It shows how much it really affected you and how big problems they are now giving.

Sometimes you can not even remember what happened in your childhood that causes this. Therefore, it can be very beneficial to go to a specialist.

Therapy can help you find the root of the problem. Afterwards, the psychologist can give you tools to start working your way back to well-being.

A void in the heart can create… more voids in the heart

You can not eat yourself from want

No matter how much you try  to fill the void in your heart with people, new clothes or food, it does not go away.

You can stay in the relationship that you have decided should make you happy and still feel empty. Or you can buy all sorts of things, and look at them, and realize that you still do not feel satisfied.

These patches do not work. They become a vicious circle, creating even more unrest. Sometimes you hesitate. You are afraid to ask for help, even if it would be  one of the best decisions you could ever make.

You can not do everything alone. Even if you do not know what is happening to you, you may not have the tools to choose another path.

What can be done about it?

It’s time to  stop trying to fill your void with useless things, or blame your parents. They did the best they could. It is now you who is responsible for your well-being. Then accept it and ask for help.

Are you also fighting against the inner emptiness? So read: 5 Ways to Connect to Your Inner “I” to Fight Emotional Emptiness

You are not the only one with a void in your heart

You just have to have a little push that says “You are not alone in this!” After all, we have  all tried to feel lost at some point. But that does not mean we can not find our way back to ourselves.

Your void in the heart will still make you feel deprived if you do not begin to  fill it with love for yourself!

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