There Are Several Benefits To Being Able To Cry

Crying helps us get better. Although the problems are still there, it is the best way to get the heart relieved. Do not hold back your tears when you feel the urge to cry.
There are several benefits to being able to cry

By holding back your tears in difficult times, you do not get the opportunity to get a drain on your emotions. Tears are a way to get rid of our negative emotions so that they do not find a place inside ourselves in the form of stress, depression, pain, anxiety and frustration. Today we will look at the benefits of being able to cry in the difficult times.

It is true on the one hand that the main function of tears is to protect the eyes from irritation and foreign bodies. On the other hand, tears can also be a sign of courage, strength and sincerity. It is necessary to be able to cry to be healthy and relieve stress.

Despite all the benefits, there are still environments where one does not see it as appropriate to relieve one’s stress. But you know what? Feel free to cry!

Three types of tears

Man crying

The tears moisten our eyes to protect them and avoid irritation. Furthermore, they can also lower the stress hormones while containing antibodies that fight harmful bacteria.

Remember that there are three types of tears:

  • Tears per reflex:  Tears per reflex appear when there is a dangerous situation. They contain antibodies that allow the eye to get rid of harmful particles when it gets irritated.
  • Continuous tears: This type of tear occurs regularly to keep the eye moist. They also contain a chemical called  lysozyme. They also act as antibacterial protectors against infections.
  • Tears related to emotions : These tears are triggered by intense emotions such as joy and sadness. They give us special health benefits because they keep us from suppressing intense emotions that would otherwise come out of anxiety-depressive symptoms.

The benefits of being able to cry

1. It helps you get in touch with others

We know that on occasion we may be afraid to let tears run free to some of our friends, especially if you want to cry. But you need to know that crying is the best way to be open to someone else.

If you need to cry and feel comfortable with this person, let the tears flow. Your friends will no doubt appreciate your serious tears.

Man comforts desperate woman

2. It can release tension to be able to cry

You can not move on if you hide your feelings all the time. It will also make you sick to carry around this inside yourself. In that regard, it is best if you can cry when you need to.

Even if it does not solve your problems here and now, it will still give you a different view of things, and perhaps you will be able to find a solution to your despair. Remember that all problems have a solution. In the meantime, it’s important to come out with all the emotions that come with it.

Cry as much as you want and do not be nervous: time will heal.

3. It helps to get rid of stress

Emotions are not always logical. Letting the emotions control you also helps you to find a reason why you tend to let the tears run.

The moment you become aware of a problem that requires your attention, you will find a remedy for the stress it causes.

4. It gets you in a better mood

Crying is without a doubt an excellent way to get you in a better mood in difficult times. It’s a way for you to get rid of the pain of being trapped.

In fact, most people feel better after crying.

5. Being able to cry changes your perspective

Woman with tears on her cheek enjoys being able to cry

It is possible that you become more aware of your weaknesses if you cry. You will have the opportunity to face your problems so that you can find other and more appropriate perspectives to work with in the difficult times.

After all, being able to cry is liberating.

It’s healthy to be able to cry

Crying is not just about getting rid of one’s emotions. At the same time, it is a mechanism that reduces anxiety and depression.

In addition, it releases hormones that reduce the amount of manganese. In large quantities, this mineral can be the cause of fatigue, irritation and depression.

7. It restores your emotional balance

Crying is not just a response to something sad and difficult. Sometimes one can also cry from happiness, fear or stress.

In any case, the tears help to restore the emotional balance.

8. It allows you to grow

If you are able to be true to yourself by acknowledging your vulnerabilities and limitations, then you are well on your way to life.

Keep in mind that there is opportunity for personal growth in crying. If you do not allow yourself to cry, you will carry around something full of tension in your luggage for the rest of your life.

Some concluding remarks

Finally, we will take this opportunity to encourage you to forget all the past misunderstandings that you have probably learned about crying. The truth is that it is healthy to cry because it helps you get rid of sadness and stress and it is a way to express happiness too.

If you hold back your tears, you will only get worse in the long run.

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