The Dangers Of Using Acrylic Nails

Acrylic nails may look good, but they pose a potential danger to your health. They can cause inflammation, skin, burns, pain and allergic reactions.
The dangers of using acrylic nails

It is true that acrylic nails can look great, they are perfect for special occasions, and they transform the look of our hands. But they can also cause a lot of problems that will be best avoided.

You can enjoy the look of acrylic nails, but they come with a high price for your health.

In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about the dangers of using artificial nails.

Read it before you decide to use them or not.

Why are acrylic nails so popular?

acrylic nails

More and more women of all ages are wearing artificial nails or extensions.

Acrylic nails give a feeling of “perfection” because they are made of plastic. They are seen in fashion magazines and on celebrities.

It’s easy to see why women prefer to use artificial nails: they cover the imperfect natural nails have, and they just look perfect.

Acrylic nails are painted and are often covered by a design, which is impossible on shorter or irregular natural nails.

If you have a bad habit of biting your nails or you need them to look good at work, then acrylic nails are an easy alternative.

The same goes for weddings, parties and other special events in our lives.

Take care of artificial nails

Artificial nails

Although they may seem harmless, both use and wear can cause problems. Let’s take a look at what happens in the salon when we get acrylic nails put on:

  • The chemical compounds used, resin or formaldehyde can cause inflammation, separation of the natural nail from the skin, burns, pain and allergic reactions.
  • There are even cases of some women who have completely lost their natural nails and destroyed the root of the nail. If this happens, the nail will never grow back.
  • You will most likely inhale toxic fumes and other irritants if the salon where you get your nails finished is not well ventilated.
  • Some salons use a substance called methyl methacrylate to stick their nails on. This chemical causes serious damage to the respiratory system and by direct contact with the fingers.
  • Using a hair dryer to dry your nails faster is a really common mistake. The problem here lies in the fact that some of the substances used to use acrylic are flammable on contact with high heat.
  • Many times, beauty salons are not properly clean or have not sterilized their instruments and materials once they have finished using them on a customer. This means that the next customer is likely to get an illness, e.g. Mushroom that the customer before them had.
  • Also, make sure that the esthetician wears latex or plastic gloves. An incision or scratch on the hands is the ideal place for all kinds of diseases that spread by contact to thrive.
  • Avoid cutting or pushing your cuticle back. Do not forget that cuticles act as a natural barrier to prevent infection and harmful microorganisms from entering your body.
  • Wash and dry your hands before applying the nails so that there is no trace of moisture on the nails. This prevents fungi from spreading once the nails are in place.

More problems with acrylic nails

When you leave the beauty salon, the consequences do not end, even though it is a reputable salon with qualified staff.

The most common side effects are:

  • Acrylic nails are completely stiff and can cause damage at the slightest blow. This means that the plastic nail will pull the natural nail along with it. It is extremely painful and it takes the nail a long time to be restored.
  • Artificial nails come with a far greater risk of infection. Bacteria and microorganisms that cause disease can accumulate in any pocket between the natural nail and the acrylic nail.
  • Allergic reactions are common with artificial nails. This is due to the plastic and the toxins they are made of. The result: red, swollen and itchy fingers.
  • If the acrylic nail is damaged, it will be much easier for dirt, viruses and bacteria to accumulate here. When this happens, remove the damaged nail and replace it with a new one as soon as possible.

Wearing acrylic nails is not a decision that should be taken lightly.

If after reading this article, and despite the dangers, you still want acrylic nails, have them made at a professional salon by a qualified esthetician. Make sure the area is well ventilated, bring your own file and look for changes or pain in your fingers and nails.

If necessary, remove the nail that is causing the problems until the pain subsides. And whenever possible, give your nails a break from the acrylic.

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