The Consequences Of Iron Deficiency

Do you get enough iron through your diet? Discover the consequences of iron deficiency and learn how important iron is for your health!
The consequences of iron deficiency

One of the consequences of iron deficiency is anemia. However, there are several consequences of iron deficiency that are worth knowing. If you think you are consuming too little iron, we recommend paying attention to the following symptoms.

Iron deficiency is a global problem

Millions of people suffer from a lack of this nutrient in both industrialized and developing countries due to inefficient uptake. No one should ignore iron deficiency because it has harmful consequences for our health.
Among its many functions, iron allows hemoglobin to function properly and provides oxygen to all cells. It is important for health. Since iron is found in small amounts in our body, we must also get it through our food with a balanced and varied diet.

If you have symptoms, it is important to check if you suffer from iron deficiency

There are two types of iron:

  • The first is heme iron, which is found in meat from animals. It is easily absorbed into the body.
  • The other is non-heme iron. This is found in vegetables and is not so easily absorbed into the body. Therefore , many vegetarians and vegans suffer from anemia.

Additional properties of iron:

  • Contributes to the production of substances from the blood.
  • Intervenes in DNA synthesis.
  • Is part of the aerobic respiration process.
  • Helps maintain the immune system.

In addition, iron also participates in many chemical reactions and is essential for the production and release of energy.

Your iron level

You can have your blood tested to find out if you suffer from iron deficiency:

  • The normal values ​​in adult men are 80 to 180 μg / dl.
  • In adult women they are 60 to 160 μg / dl.
  • For children, they range from 50 to 120 μg / dl.
  • In infants under 1 year of age, the values ​​should be between 100 and 250 μg / dl.

If your iron level is higher than average, it may be due to diseases such as:

  • Hemochromatosis
  • Hepatitis
  • Haemolytic anemia
  • Iron poisoning

Likewise, your iron levels may drop under certain special circumstances, such as:

  • Pregnancy
  • Malnutrition
  • Cancer
  • Chronic blood loss
  • Chronic hypermenorrhea (heavy bleeding during menstruation).

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The consequences of iron deficiency

Anemia is the most common consequence of iron deficiency

Pay attention to certain signs that may tell you if your body is lacking this important nutrient. If you have more than one of these symptoms, it is a good idea to consult your doctor and have a blood sample taken :

Weakness and fatigue

No matter how many hours you sleep at night or rest during the day, you always feel lethargic and lack energy. It’s hard for you to get up in the morning and you fall asleep anywhere. This weakness or fatigue may be due to lack of iron.

As this nutrient makes it possible to transport oxygen to cells if your body does not have enough of it, your tissue does not receive “fuel” and therefore does not work as it should.

Therefore, less vitality and extreme fatigue after performing low-impact activities may be related to iron deficiency.

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2. Poor performance and bad mood

Iron deficiency has a direct impact on our emotional state. Therefore, it is normal for us to be very irritable, depressed or experience mood swings when we lack iron.

If we add fatigue to this, the consequences are understandable. They can range from problems with work effort, with your studies or completing everyday tasks. Be aware if everything has gone wrong lately and you can not concentrate on your activities.

In addition, iron deficiency has a negative impact on memory and attention. You will have to work twice as hard on everything. You will also quickly lose your motivation, even when it comes to trying to perform tasks you like.

Paleness is one of the consequences of iron deficiency

When you have anemia, it is likely that your skin will be lighter or whiter than normal. This is because both skin and mucous membranes get too little oxygen. Some people may have a whitish color under their eyes (where the eyelashes start).

4. Dizziness and nausea

Dizziness and nausea can also be a consequence of iron deficiency

One of the consequences of iron deficiency and a deficit in the amount of oxygen that the cells receive is persistent dizziness. In addition, you may experience the feeling of lack of air when trying to breathe. You may also be breathing faster and more frequently than usual.
In more severe cases, people who do not eat sufficient amounts of nutrients may faint at any time of the day. They may also experience ringing in the ears or suffer from lipodystrophy.

5. Palpitations

The rapid heartbeats that occur when you do not exert yourself or exercise can be consequences of iron deficiency.

When your blood is not circulating properly, the heart system has to work harder to pump it back to each organ. Tachycardia, arrhythmia and even acute myocardial infarction may occur.

6. Weak nails and hair loss

If your nails break easily, are thin or have white marks on them near the nail root, it may be due to lack of iron. In case of hair loss, this is because the blood only contains a little fire when it reaches the head. Therefore, it does not nourish the hair follicles.

As you can see, the consequences of iron deficiency are a problem. This is why you need to make sure you get enough of it in your diet!

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