The Causes Of Bradypnosis And Its Treatment

Bradypnoe can lead to fatigue, weakness, dizziness, confusion and other symptoms. In this article, we explain to you why it occurs and the different treatments.
The causes of bradypnosis and its treatment

Bradypnoe is the medical word for a slower-than-normal breathing. Breathing is the process by which the lungs exchange gas. The body releases carbon dioxide into the air and inhales oxygen.

Oxygen is necessary for the functions of the cells. There will be more carbon dioxide and less oxygen when fewer breaths are taken than usual. This can have complex consequences.

Bradypnoe can occur for several reasons and they are not all bad. However, it can be serious in certain situations.

We explain to you everything you need to know in this article.

What is bradypnosis?

The word “bradypnoe” comes from Greek. Brady  means “slow” and  pnein  means “breathing”. The term is therefore used for a breathing that is slower than normal, according to an article from the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

We perceive the normal according to the age and activity level of the individual. In an adult, it is normal to breathe between 12 and 20 times a minute. Bradypnoe occurs when it falls below 12.

In addition, it is perceived as present if it is on for more than two minutes. The problem, however, is that the term tends to be confused with others, such as apnea and dyspnoea.

Dyspnoea is problems with breathing or the feeling of lack of air. Apnea is a lack of breathing. In addition, both bradypnosis and apnea occur in some people during sleep.

The opposite of bradypno is tachypno. Here, breathing is faster than normal and it can also lead to problems. A person has tachypnoea when they breathe more than 25 times in a minute.

As written in an article by Fundación Argentina del Tórax, alcohol poisoning is one of the most common causes of slow breathing. However, there can be many other reasons and we will explain them in the next section.

What are the causes of bradypnosis?

As such, bradypnosis is not a disease but a symptom that can occur in many situations. As we wrote in the previous section, alcohol poisoning is one of the primary causes.

This is because alcohol affects the breathing center. It makes breathing slower. However, it is not the only substance that can cause this problem. Many other drugs, such as opioids, are also linked to it.

In fact, the combination of benzodiazepines and alcohol is one of the biggest risk factors for slow breathing. Benzodiazepines are anti-anxiety drugs that are taken by many people.

Brain in glass with transparent liquid

Other substances associated with bradypnosis

Bradypnoe can occur due to many substances. Another of the most important toxins is carbon monoxide.

People use it quite often in connection with suicide. It is a gas that can kill if inhaled in large quantities as it causes breathing to fall and poisons.

Certain medications used during surgeries can also slow breathing. Muscle relaxants (which are often benzodiazepines), anesthetics or painkillers (opioids) are examples. That is why it is important to follow up.

Brain problems

Breathing is a complex process that is controlled by different parts of the brain. The brain consciously controls breathing. But there are also breathing centers in the brainstem.

These centers allow breathing in certain circumstances where the brain is disturbed. For example, when there is a tumor or a trauma has occurred. However, they set off a slow breathing if they take control.

Imbalance in electrolytes and hormones

As we explained above, many things can affect the frequency and depth of breathing. Another cause of bradypnosis may be an imbalance of certain electrolytes, such as potassium or calcium.

It also occurs in certain metabolic diseases, such as hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating energy expenditure and body temperature as well as other processes. The breathing rate may decrease when there are fewer than formal.

The risk of bradypnosis

An article from EcuRed explains a number of factors that increase the risk of bradypnosis. Some of them are advanced age, smoking and heart disease. The same thing happens when a person goes into shock.

It has also been linked to low body temperature (hypothermia) and to people who exercise extreme amounts of exercise on a daily basis. It is not necessarily serious in the latter case.

Symptoms and complications of bradypnosis

Bradypnoe can affect the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. Most of the symptoms occur due to lack of oxygen. Fatigue, weakness, confusion or dizziness are common.

In addition, people often feel dizzy or have a feeling of fainting soon. Headaches and chest pains are also common signs, as are poor coordination and memory problems.

A lower level of oxygen in the blood can lead to complications, called hypoxia. As explained in an article by Bell Marra Health, bradypnosis increases the number of cases of fainting and heart problems.

In fact, organs and tissues can be seriously damaged. In the worst cases, it can lead to cardiac arrest and even death. Other complications can be respiratory acidosis and hypercapnia (high amount of carbon dioxide in the blood).

Woman breathes deeply

Forms of treatment

Bradypnoe does not always require treatment. As we have mentioned before, it often comes in a benign version – either in people with a lot of physical activity or during sleep.

Therefore, it is important to distinguish the cases from the serious ones of this kind. It depends on the cause and the patient’s health situation.

For example, medical attention is needed when bradypnosis comes from heart problems. Here you will control the amount of oxygen in the body. That task can be helped by several options in artificial road drawing.

In addition, further treatment is often needed if the cause of bradypnosis is poisoning. In some cases, antidotes will be used against the substance that caused the condition. This is the case with benzodiazepine poisoning, which can be treated with flumazenil.

Bradypnoe is a symptom, not a disease

It is important to emphasize that bradypnoea is a decrease in the rate of breathing. Doctors usually consider it as when a person has less than 12 breaths in one minute for two minutes.

The point is that this symptom can come from several different causes, such as poisoning by alcohol or other drugs, or due to other underlying diseases. However, not all cases are life-threatening. A doctor must therefore know the cause before choosing a form of treatment.

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