The Benefits Of Eating Garlic On An Empty Stomach

While its aroma and taste are not exactly pleasant, eating garlic has many benefits that make it worth including in your diet more often.
The benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach

Garlic is popular all over the world as a unique spice to add flavor to many dishes. But apart from its use in the kitchen, garlic is also famous for its medicinal properties, such as preventing and treating a wide range of diseases. Here you get the benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach.

While its aroma and taste are not exactly pleasant, eating garlic has many benefits that make it worth including in your diet more often.

What is the source of garlic benefits?

Garlic is originally from Central Asia, but its use in alternative medicine can be traced back to the third millennium BC in India and Egypt. Century after century, garlic has been used around the world as a medicine to cure various diseases.

The different cultures of the world made garlic popular as a highly medicinal food. Able to treat hundreds of health problems, both internal and external. Recommended for generation after generation, it has been the subject of many scientific studies proving its medicinal properties.

For example , it is a fact that garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, capable of fighting and removing hundreds of microorganisms that cause infection and disease.

It has also been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, stomach disorders, skin problems, nervous disorders and loss of vitality, among others.

In addition , it stimulates the circulation and improves liver and gallbladder function.

Why eat garlic on an empty stomach?


Although garlic can be eaten at any time of the day, several studies have shown that the best time to get all its benefits is on an empty stomach (after you wake up).

The main benefit of eating garlic on an empty stomach is its cleansing and detoxifying properties. It stimulates the elimination of toxins and wastes from the body. It also helps the body expel parasites and it prevents typhus.

Eating garlic every day on an empty stomach can in the long run protect the body from health problems like certain types of cancer, diabetes and depression.

Garlic is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that help strengthen the immune system to prevent infection and disease. Eating it on an empty stomach guarantees that your immune system can fight viruses, bacteria, fungi and any other type of microorganism that is trying to attack your body.

Remember that if you want to take advantage of 100% of its benefits, it must be raw. While it is not bad to eat it cooked, it is believed that cooked food can ruin up to 90% of its possible health benefits.

Its taste when eaten raw may not be pleasant, but when you think about the benefits, it’s worth it.

How can I detoxify my body by eating garlic on an empty stomach?

It should be emphasized that the biggest benefit of eating garlic on an empty stomach is its detoxifying effect. Now you can start developing a good habit by eating raw garlic every day on an empty stomach, to cleanse your body. Some people suggest eating up to two cloves of garlic, but this is not a rule.

To increase its effects and to better detoxify the body within a shorter period of time. Then  we recommend that you start your day with two tablespoons of finely chopped or crushed garlic.

Then you can drink a natural detoxifying juice of your choice. Wait 45 minutes before eating breakfast.


  • If you can not stand the smell or taste, you can take natural garlic supplements in capsule form, which can be found in health food stores and pharmacies.
  • If you would rather eat it raw in its natural state. Then  you can try to cover the taste and aroma with a little lemon juice or chew on a mint leaf. This is how you still get all the benefits without getting bad breath or bad aftertaste.
  • To enjoy all its benefits, you can also start adding it to salads, smoothies, meat dishes and other recipes.

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