Ten Basic Aspects Of A Mediterranean Diet

If you want to change your eating habits, you should switch to a Mediterranean diet, with all the benefits it entails. Do not miss reading this article. Here you will find the basis of this diet.
Ten basic aspects of a Mediterranean diet

Have you heard of the many benefits of a Mediterranean diet?

This cultural heritage undoubtedly perpetuates healthy eating habits that are beneficial to all of us. In addition, this cuisine is famous in countries all over the world and has taken first place for the healthiest overall diet in the world.

If you are determined to change your eating habits, continue reading and learning about the basic aspects of a Mediterranean diet.

The benefits of Mediterranean diet

Food from a Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet has become one of the most famous forms of diet in the world. This is mainly due to its many health benefits.

Below you can see the main benefits:

Following a Mediterranean diet can help reduce your risk of heart disease

A study conducted by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health concluded that women who follow a Mediterranean diet have a 25% lower risk of experiencing cardiovascular disease for 12 years.

These habits are associated with a lower level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL).

2. Mediterranean diet can help prolong life

According to data obtained from a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Athens Medical School, these eating habits have been linked to longer life expectancy.

3. This diet can help prevent cognitive impairment

A 2015 study shows that people who follow a Mediterranean diet show an improvement in their cognitive functions.

Other research has found that good eating habits can slow down some of the changes that take place in the brain during the early development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Also read: How to detect signs of Alzheimer’s

4. Mediterranean diet can help protect you from cancer

In 2017, researchers found evidence showing that strict adherence to this diet can reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer.

They also noticed a slight decrease in the incidence of breast cancer.

How can you get started with a Mediterranean diet?

The first step to start with Mediterranean diet is to know its foundation, ie. the foods that make up this diet and which make it one of the healthiest forms of diet in the world.

See what they are below:

Olive oil as the preferred fat

Olive oil enriches the Mediterranean diet with vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants

Olive oil enriches the Mediterranean diet with vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. It is used to add flavor to salads, to frying, to spread on bread and anything that might need some kind of fat, e.g. dressing or to fry with!

If you are starting a Mediterranean diet, do not use butter, but use olive oil instead.

2. Daily consumption of foods derived from plants

Vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts are consumed daily and they are full of minerals, vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. According to the food pyramid of the Mediterranean diet, each main course must contain:

  • 1-2 fruits
  • More than 2 servings of natural or cooked vegetables. There should preferably be at least one raw serving on a daily basis.

3. Daily intake of grains

It is recommended that one or two servings of grains, whole grains, preferably in the form of rice, pasta, bread, couscous or other varieties be added to each meal.

The carbohydrates that come from these foods provide the energy needed to get through the day.

4. Choose fresh and seasonal foods

A lot of vegetables on a table

By buying and consuming seasonal local food, you can benefit from its nutrients, taste and aroma. Choose less processed foods and resort to seasonal foods. It is a healthy measure that is also environmentally friendly.

5. Limit your intake of red meat

Due to the health problems arising from animal fats, it is advisable to consume only processed and red meat in moderate amounts. The Mediterranean diet has a low content of saturated fat.

Also read: WHO conclusions on meat and cancer

6. Choose a healthy daily consumption of dairy products

Daily consumption of yogurt and cheese is part of the Mediterranean diet. They are a source of essential minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, vitamins and proteins with a high biological value.

7. Eat fish twice a week and eggs three or four times a week

Fish on the plate

To start your Mediterranean diet, it is important that you reduce your intake of red meat and instead eat fish because it is a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Also, be sure to eat eggs because they are a great source of protein.

8. Have a very low consumption of cakes and sweets

This does not mean that you have to cut cakes completely out of your diet. Remember, though, that you need to eat them in moderation. In fact, it is recommended to eat less than two servings a week.

9. Select water

Water is a basic pillar of the Mediterranean diet and should be your favorite beverage. Wine is also part of this diet, but is only healthy when consumed in moderation.

10. Get lots of physical exercise

A good diet is not the only thing you need to do to be healthy. Do not forget to exercise regularly and daily to benefit from this healthy diet.

As you can see, starting your Mediterranean diet involves a number of changes in your habits. Contact your doctor if you have any questions about this diet. He or she will guide you through the entire process and will be able to help you create a meal plan based on your energy and nutritional needs.

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