Suppressed Emotions Can Have Physical Consequences

If you are experiencing pain in a particular place, make sure you reflect on your emotions and resolve them to alleviate your physical discomfort. This is because psychological problems can cause physical symptoms in our body.
Suppressed emotions can have physical consequences

All our repressed emotions build up and gnaw at our body and this can cause physical illnesses. Yes, you read that right.

“What we cannot express in words is expressed in the form of physical pain.” Keep this phrase in mind because it will help you when you need to talk about your feelings and thoughts.

In this article, we will tell you why emotions can make us sick, and of course, how to avoid this.

The body can send us many signals even if we are not aware of it. When we accumulate our emotions for a long time, they get stacked on top of each other and this can cause physical illness.

Fear, Envy, Criticism… Some people store all these emotions in a kind of emotional suitcase that only makes us feel mentally and physically unwell.

Illness is a message that our body sends to us so that we know that we are experiencing an emotional blockage or that we need to change or get rid of some aspects of our lives.

When we take the wrong path, which means we do not say what we mean because we do not want to cause an argument or talk about something that could break a bond with someone, then symptoms and pain can start to appear.

Many diseases are caused by holding on to emotions. An organ or some part of the body will be affected, depending on the feeling that is affected or unbalanced.

Pain is a warning signal and we cannot turn a blind eye.

When such symptoms occur, we should take a break from our activities and determine what negative thoughts or beliefs are so ingrained in our lives that they hurt us.

A negative emotion is a disease

There is a kind of psychosomatic connection or relationship that connects thoughts with a symptom.

Maybe you should not go to the doctor to be examined and be prescribed a particular treatment. Instead, it might be better to participate in some introspections to improve your thoughts, and thus how you feel.

For example, stress can cause sores or heart attacks. Furthermore, depression can lead to loss of energy and an increase in appetite. Speaking in somatic terms is easy. The most frequent pains and problems are due to our emotions:

The head

This is possibly the center of our body. You may experience headaches due to an increase in the rate at which your blood pulsates or due to narrowing of the arteries.

This last cause indicates the inability to communicate or express basic emotions, such as love.

Picture of a man


This part of the body connects the mind with the body. When it is difficult to move your neck, it can be caused by more than a bad night’s sleep. In fact, it may be an indication of having a limited and rigid outlook on life.

Stubbornness and a narrow mind can cause pain in the neck. Too much stress can also cause this.

The back

When you solve a problem, it feels as if a load has been removed from your back. This burden that you carry around is related to the feelings and experiences you have had in the past that you have still not forgiven or forgotten.

In addition, the spine supports your back, and allows you to perform all your activities. Pain in this area warns that something is wrong and that you may need to release some of these accumulated emotions.

The heart

Man with heart and brain

This body is associated with love but also with other emotions such as hate. It is the center of our emotions. Therefore, heart complications can arise from being immersed in complex or hopeless situations.

Maybe you have gone too far with a relationship or have been aware of things that do not bring anything good into your life.


Our feet allow us to move forward, but they also give us stability. In addition, they give us security. Therefore, foot problems can mean that you do not feel confident, that you do not know which path to take, or how to think about the future and your projects.

Did you know that allergies are a sign of experiencing a high level of fear and that high blood pressure is caused by being on standby for too long? Did you also know that urinary tract infections are the product of negative emotions around our personal relationships?

Tips on how to channel our emotions and not get sick

Maybe you thought that only negative emotions can make us sick, but that is not quite the case. For example, too much pleasure can cause hyperventilation, which can damage the heart.

Some recommendations that help channel your emotions and thus prevent illness are:

Free yourself from disproportionate emotions

A good way to start is by identifying which emotions are your most frequent and exaggerated emotions. Whether they are positive or negative, accumulated emotions can have harmful consequences.

For example, bitterness and anger are unhealthy emotions. How do we break free from these? Through forgiveness.

This is a very brave technique because it allows you to get rid of what is bothering you. It also helps you leave the heavy burdens you have carried around.

Stay away from situations that trigger strong emotions

Person looking out through his fingers - repressed emotions can

Once you discover what emotions are hurting you and you work hard to remove them from your life, the next step is to avoid a relapse.

For example, if you recognize that a lack of tolerance is a big issue for you, then try to avoid situations where people do not tolerate you.

Until you are sure that you have removed the root of that feeling, then remove yourself from triggering situations.

See family members and friends

Spending time with the people we love is a great remedy for grief in the soul. Maybe the time is right to tell them all about how you feel and what you have kept to yourself all these years.

It does not matter that you think it is best not to tarnish old memories. Forgiveness and healing are good for you and others around you.

Suppressed emotions can have physical consequences so stay in touch with nature

Walking around the park, going on vacation in the mountains, practicing yoga or meditating on the beach, swimming in a river and engaging in outdoor activities are excellent as you can release negative and unhealthy accumulated emotions here.

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