Six Things To Avoid If You Suspect Diastase

Diastasis or separation of the rectus abdominis is common after pregnancy, but you can correct it with physical therapy. Learn more in this article.
Six things to avoid if you suspect diastase

The abdomen allows a baby to grow during pregnancy, and the muscles expand and separate, which is called diastase. That said, keep in mind a few things if you suspect you may have diastase.

“Diastase”, like many other words in the medical field , comes from ancient Greek slides (through), statos (standing, stopped) and sys (‘action’). It loosely translates to “separation of parts of the body that were connected”. This refers to the rectus or abdominal muscles in this case.

Interestingly, diastase is not exclusively for postpartum. In fact, obesity, ascites or accumulation of fluid in the stomach and excessive activity in this area tend to cause it.

Learn how to recognize it.

Recognition of abdominal diastase

A person who pulls at the skin of the abdomen

You have given birth, and even as time goes on, you still have a bloated stomach. There is pain and instability in the lower back and weakness in the pelvic floor. There is also urinary incontinence, indigestion, accumulation of air in the stomach and even umbilical hernia. All this makes you suspect diastase.

However, it is best not to self-diagnose and consult a specialist if you suspect you have diastasis, as there may be harmful consequences.

However, if you are convinced that your symptoms indicate that you have this condition, try the following :

  • Lie on your back with your legs bent and the soles of your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place one hand under the head and the other on the navel.
  • Gently start an abdominal bend without tensing the abdominal muscles by lifting your head and shoulders. Then look towards your navel.

A separation between the rectus abdominis becomes visible. You can measure the distance with your fingers. The separation will be up to 3 cm if there is diastase. Remember that anything larger than 3-5 cm may require surgery.

Without a doubt, the best thing to do after a birth is to consult your doctor eight weeks after. They will assess your pelvic floor, your abdominal muscles and the pelvis.

The doctor will check the area and determine if there is a separation of the abdominal muscles and what type of diastase it is:

  • Functional if the transverse abdominis holds on to the intestines.
  • Anatomical if it protrudes or leads to a hernia.

Six things to avoid if you have diastase

Consider these recommendations that will definitely help you avoid further complications if you suspect you have diastase. Of course, always follow your doctor’s advice.

1. Do not do classic abdominal crunches

Abdominal flexions do not align split abdominal muscles. On the contrary, they will aggravate the condition. Are you familiar with hypopressive exercises? Find out what they are and make them using techniques that make the pressure in your stomach drop.

2. Run or jump, leave it until later

Do you look at yourself in the mirror and are not happy with your figure after the birth? Control your anxiety. Exercises such as running or jumping are strongly discouraged if you have diastase. This is because these exercises increase the tension in the abdomen and put more pressure on the linea alba and expand it further.

Ask for help, avoid lifting if you have diastase

The hardest thing to do after the birth is to have to lift heavy things – in addition to the baby. It is already a big effort to be alone and take the baby from the crib or bed.

Stay with your baby and tell the family members around you about this need if possible. Remember, this is a matter of health. Therefore, do not lift anything heavy to prevent damage to the pelvic floor.

4. Be careful when using postpartum belts after childbirth

The tendency to seek relief is natural, especially if you add experiences from mothers and grandmothers. This is the case with postpartum belts. They do not really eliminate the pressure on the abdominal muscles, but can relieve pain, provide stability and improve posture.

However, consider that pain relief camouflages diastase. Thus, the use of these belts is only appropriate after a medical assessment and diagnosis. This way you know what is most appropriate for your specific case.

5. If you suspect diastase, take precautions when coughing or sneezing

Hold your abdominal muscles with your hands so that you can hold on to your intestines against linea alba affected by the suspected diastase when you cough or sneeze.

Also, lie down on your side before getting out of bed. Also bend at your knees and not your upper body when bending down.

6. Prevent constipation

Do everything you can to prevent constipation. This is usually the first few days after birth, but do not let it continue. This is because split abdominal muscles do not work as they should. It is understandable to feel discomfort and even fear.

In addition, stay properly hydrated, eat foods rich in fiber, rest, but do not neglect movement, and do not hold back when you feel the urge to go to the toilet to make things easier.

So relax. Supplement it with hypopressive exercises and squeezing exercises to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

7. Follow your therapist’s recommendations

If physiotherapy fails, it is a good solution to use surgery to reduce the separation of the greater linea alba of 3 cm or more.

Therefore , if you received a diastase diagnosis , you can try physiotherapy that suits your specific case.

A woman who trains

Recommended exercises

There is no universal best workout for diastase, so find the best one for you. Contact a specialist who can evaluate your case and follow their recommendations. You will most likely be able to skip surgery as you help your body naturally regain its normal functions.

In fact, physiotherapy gives excellent results. Recent studies point to routines on the local stabilizing muscles to increase lumbar and pelvic stability.

Hypopressive abdominal exercises

These are related to posture, repetitive and rhythmic exercises based on breathing and squeezing that raises the uterus, bladder and intestines. They are not recommended for the first three months after birth. In addition, they are designed to introduce changes in body shape.

They also reduce the pressure in the abdomen and cause automatic activations of the muscles of the abdomen and abdomen. In addition, they reduce the waist circumference, strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and reduce back problems by improving posture.

Exercises for voluntary activation of the transverse abdominis muscle

The transversus abdominis muscle is used when you need to lift weights, cough, laugh, run or jump with the repetition of these exercises. In this regard , it generates the biomechanical conditions that promote the correct execution of the movements. This is because it controls the intra-abdominal pressure.

Exercises to activate the oblique abdominal and rectus abdominis muscles

After activating the transverse abdominis, then activate the oblique abdominal muscles. These are the muscles that perform rotations and support the viscera. The former is important because the transverse guarantees the stability of the lumbar spine by avoiding pressure on lumbar structures and pain.

Generally go to the toilet before the exercises because you can observe changes in bladder filling while the autonomic nervous system is functioning. Apnea causes closure of the glottis and therefore dryness in the throat: Pay attention to hydration. It is important to perform the exercises on an empty stomach or after full digestion.

You get a proper stabilization of the skeletal axial axis that ensures optimal balance and movement of the upper and lower limbs in your daily life with these exercises.

When to consult a doctor about diastase?

Talk to your doctor if you experience low back pain, flatulence and still have a swollen stomach eight weeks after giving birth. You may be assessed by a physiotherapist who knows the best exercises to bring the rectus abdominis back in place once you know the degree of your diastase.

Do you suspect diastase?

Do not panic as it is quite common. At least every other woman experiences it, and it goes away on its own in most cases. However, take precautions before and after birth.

It is typical for the muscles to split during and after pregnancy, so be careful to make movements that may aggravate it. Strengthen your abdominal muscles if you are planning to get pregnant. This way, the separation of the rectus abdominals will not be a problem for you.

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