Six Techniques For Better Self-control

Did you know that exercise is good for releasing tension and improving your self-control? If you are the type who gives in to temptation when you feel stressed, then these six techniques can help you.
Six techniques for better self-control

Maybe you’re trying to quit smoking. Maybe you’re trying to control your sweet tooth. Or maybe you are looking for the best way to curb your shopping cravings. In this article, we give you Six techniques for better self-control.

Being able to control your emotions is crucial when faced with temptations where it is all too easy to give in to your impulses.

It’s time to take control of your life again. Here are the six best techniques for gaining better self-control.

Get to know yourself: The basis for better self-control

It is important to be able to control emotions, temptations and basic instincts.

Self-control is a skill that can be learned. You can practice it daily to avoid negative emotions such as anger, greed and envy.

Self-discipline can help in all areas of life. You need it when you say no to the smokers or if you want to avoid debt.

To achieve good self-control, the first thing you need to do is get to know yourself. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Work on improving your weaknesses.

We have all the things we want to achieve, no matter if it’s eating healthy, quitting smoking or controlling outbursts of anger in traffic. All of these things are good for both your mental and physical health. But to do these things, it is important that you work on understanding yourself.

Impulsivity, as opposed to self-control, is something we need to be aware of, especially when we have to make a decision, or we are in a situation where we need to behave in a certain way.

Eating chocolate, smoking cigarettes or buying new shoes gives us short-term satisfaction, but it is not good for our future. We regret our impulsive actions and it gives us guilt.

Therefore, it is important to listen and look for the signs your body gives you in different situations. So take a moment to properly analyze the situation.

If you are looking at a beautiful thing in a store window, do not go into the store right away to buy it. Think about what you can afford and how much debt you already have.

If you are about to light a cigarette, keep in mind the negative effects that smoking has on your health. If you are tempted to eat more dessert or if you want one more beer, try taking a step back and reconsider the situation.

How to get better self-control

Woman window shopping

Of course, it is not easy. Self-control is difficult. We are guided by our impulses, so good intentions often do not last long. Our motivation can disappear in a second. Our bad habits work on automaticity, and often come when we are triggered by different circumstances or emotions. This is why it is important to practice waiting to make the decision, even if it only takes a moment.

Our willpower can be trained just like our muscles. Maybe it does not last long in the beginning. But eventually you will be able to postpone your impulsive decisions longer and longer.


Keep practicing and do not give up. Take small steps forward and do not be sad when it does not succeed.

It is important to always be aware and remember in which situations you will need your self-control. Here are some of the best techniques to control your emotions:

1. Be aware of your behavior.

If you are not aware of your habits and routines, it is very difficult to control your decisions and attitudes.

  • If you want to lose weight, you should plan what to eat daily.
  • To avoid over-consumption, you need to understand your consumption habits.

2. Do not think about the things that worry you.

Woman who is worried

It is important to understand your action patterns, but it is not enough to worry too much and ponder things you can not change.

You cannot force your brain to ignore emotions or thoughts. The more you try to avoid a particular thought, the more it shows up in your imagination.

Use these self-control techniques as a tool, but do not punish yourself when you come to give in. If something fails for you, do something else and think about something else until it’s time to try again.

3. Have healthy habits

All habit changes require self-control and compromise, no matter what habits we want to change.

The brain needs 21 days to make something a habit. Keep working towards your goals until it sits on the spinal cord.

After the third week, these healthy habits will no longer feel unnatural. Instead, they become automatic. It’s just a matter of whether you can keep going until the first time is over.

4. Relax

Woman lying and listening to music

Take a deep breath, count to 10 (or as long as you can) and close your eyes. When you can relax, you will also find it easier to control your emotions and impulses.

Bad habits are usually a way to avoid negative emotions. If you can learn to relax, either through breathing exercises, mindfulness or meditation, you can remove the reason for your bad habits instead of just treating the symptoms.

You can not force yourself to “do justice”. That approach is not enough.

5. Pay attention to your environment.

If your friends go to the bar every day after work and you try to stop drinking, you might suggest that you do something else instead.

Try to stay away from the stores when you are upset if you know you have difficulty managing your shopping habits.

If you want to lose weight, the principle is of course the same. Shop after eating so you are not tempted by unhealthy things. If you have trouble concentrating, try turning off the phone or working at short intervals. The pomodoro technique, for example, is very effective.

The environment you are surrounded by can make you act a certain way. Change the situations that do not allow you to train your self-control that you need.

6. Release internal tensions

Woman meditating

There are many activities that can help you channel the emotions that affect you.

Exercise, sports, walks or a shower are great ways to release your excitement and avoid negative behaviors.

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