Natural Products For Whitening Teeth

There are certain home remedies that can help whiten teeth naturally. However, you should also avoid certain unhealthy habits, such as smoking tobacco or drinking coffee to prevent your teeth from turning yellow.
Natural products for whitening teeth

Nowadays, there are many different products for whitening teeth and many of these treatments have become very popular. However, they are performed using chemical or other non-natural products and can damage the enamel on your teeth and this damage is irreparable.

You do not have to go to these extremes or spend a fortune on whitening your teeth. If you want whiter teeth but are reluctant to try some of the treatments you have seen or heard of, you can try using some natural remedies.

How do the teeth turn colored or yellow?

Woman with white teeth

Enamel covers the teeth. It is a bit porous and gets “filled” with the food we eat. This is why our teeth turn a little purple in color if we drink red wine or eat blueberries. This is not a problem because if we brush our teeth, the discoloration disappears again.

However, there are certain foods and beverages that discolor our teeth more permanently. Over time, our teeth gradually turn yellowish or brownish in color.

The acid in certain foods also damages the teeth. Eating meat, dairy products, eggs, citrus fruits, refined sugar, beer, artificial sweeteners, sodas, sweets and vegetable oils often also affect the color of teeth and enamel.

A typical mistake many people make is to brush their teeth as soon as they have finished eating. Although this helps prevent the formation of holes, it only gives the enamel some time to harden again.

Favorable products for whitening teeth

Certain foods, such as fruits and vegetables, can be used as products to whiten teeth.

Woman brushes teeth with products to whiten teeth

While certain foods discolor your teeth, other foods can help whiten your teeth. For example, many fruits and vegetables can actually help make teeth whiter, such as pears, apples, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli and spinach.

Also read: 10 foods that can whiten your teeth naturally

Some of these foods help whiten teeth due to their fiber content, while others contain nutrients that create a protective film in the enamel of the teeth that helps prevent them from becoming discolored.

Cheese also helps whiten teeth because it contains proteins and fats that neutralize acids in other foods. It also stimulates the production of saliva, which contains phosphorus and calcium, which helps re-mineralize the enamel.

Homemade products for whitening teeth

Here are some simple ways you can whiten your teeth naturally:

Orange peel

Orange peel – especially the white part that is on the inside of the orange between the outer layer of the peel and the flesh of the orange – is a great natural remedy to whiten teeth. This part of the orange is called mesocarp and contains a substance that whitens teeth.

  • Take this part of the orange peel and rub it on your teeth for 45 seconds.
  • After half an hour, brush your teeth.

Strawberries and baking soda

You can also make a pasta using strawberries and baking soda. Strawberries act as a natural bleach.

  • Simply mash the strawberries and mix them with the baking soda.
  • Apply the mixture on your teeth and let sit for 20 minutes. Then wait 30 minutes and brush your teeth.
  • Do not use this remedy too often (at most once a week or every 2 weeks).

Activated carbon powder

  • Place the activated carbon powder on your toothbrush and brush each tooth.
  • While this may look and feel weird at first, it may be the best way to whiten your teeth.

Other products for whitening teeth

  • Eat a slice of papaya or an apple every day. These fruits strengthen the gums and help whiten teeth.
  • Put two tablespoons of sage leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let it cool and gargle the water around in your mouth. You can also chew a leaf.
  • Mix two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of water. Rub gently over discolored teeth. Rinse with plenty of water. Be careful not to swallow the hydrogen peroxide mixture.
  • Make a paste with a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast, two tablespoons of salt and water. Brush with this as if it were toothpaste.
  • Do not swallow the mixture.
  • Mix half a cup of brewer’s yeast and two teaspoons of salt to make a paste. Brush your teeth with this mixture, but be careful not to swallow it.

Also read: How to avoid cavities

Baking soda as a teeth whitening agent

You can also use baking soda to whiten your teeth.

Products for whitening teeth are seen here on toothbrush

All the home remedies mentioned above are very effective in helping your teeth turn chalk white. When it comes to homemade products to whiten teeth, baking soda is the most effective treatment.

It is an alternative to other common teeth whitening procedures and products, is cheaper and is healthier for your teeth.

  • Just pour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda powder into a cup and moisten your toothbrush with water.
  • Dip it into the baking soda powder so that it sticks to the toothbrush like toothpaste.
  • It may have a salty or sour taste, but don’t worry. This taste disappears as soon as you rinse with water. However, this treatment should be performed infrequently (once a month) as it can cause damage to the enamel.

Last tips to get whiter teeth

  • Always keep your mouth clean.
  • Do not brush too hard or with a lot of force.
  • Floss.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Reduce your intake of coffee, tea and soft drinks.

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