Natron: Medicinalindustriens Nightmare

A solution of baking soda and magnesium chloride can remove toxins and prevent many future health problems.
Baking soda: The nightmare of the pharmaceutical industry

Baking soda has been used since ancient times for health, beauty and in the home.  This product continues to be researched in many places around the world. As it is believed to possess many as yet unknown properties.

Many people find it hard to believe that such a common product as baking soda can be better than some types of medicine. It has been proven that baking soda can help  prevent and fight many diseases, including chronic health problems such as cancer and diabetes. In fact, some doctors have started utilizing this natural product and recommending it more often as it really provides many benefits.

Baking soda: The nightmare of the pharmaceutical industry

baking soda: the nightmare of the pharmaceutical industry

People should pay more attention to the ability of baking soda to treat many health problems. This simple product has been used by oncologists. This is because it can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy   in important organs like kidneys and liver.

In many places around the world, people have started dissolving small amounts of baking soda in water, to create  an alkaline drink  that cures acidosis and other related health problems. Since emergency rooms are now aware of the benefits, they have started using it to save lives.  It has been found that the combination of baking soda with other substances such as iodine and magnesium chloride creates an extremely powerful agent that can be used in many different medical treatments. 

The benefits of baking soda

One of the main benefits of the powder is its ability to make the body alkaline in a natural way.  When there is a shortage of bicarbonates, the pH of the blood is lower, which corresponds to more ailments and health problems due to an acidic environment in the body. The fact that  cells in the body function better in a slightly alkaline environment  confirms the effectiveness of sodium.

baking soda: the nightmare of the pharmaceutical industry

Diet is the key to maintaining the right pH level in the blood. However, lifestyle, poor diet and unhealthy foods like fast food create  an acidic environment in the body.  It will in the long run lead to various diseases. When the  pH value in the body becomes acidic, there is a greater risk of suffering from chronic diseases such as:

  • Cancer
  • Gastritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease

Baking soda can thus help your health by dilating the blood vessels in the tissue.  In addition, it can help re-establish the pH to a normal or slightly alkaline level. It has been proven that baking soda can help prevent serious health problems such as arthritis, flu, kidney stones and diabetes.

Due to the important health benefits of baking soda, it can be used as a safe and natural way to treat diseases. In fact, the combination of baking soda and magnesium chloride ingested through the mouth prevents many types of health problems. Both ingredients act to effectively  remove accumulated giftsto f s  and acids from tissue, cells and organs.

Baking soda is a nightmare for the pharmaceutical industry thanks to its many benefits. It is economical, safe and efficient.  It can always be used without problems when used in precise and moderate amounts.

In any case,  you should consult your doctor to see if there is any risk in using baking soda to improve your health.  It can cause side effects in some people such as thirst, headache, swelling in the legs or weakness.

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