How To Relieve The Symptoms Of Psoriasis With Sarsaparrilla

Sarsaparrilla has anti-inflammatory properties that we can use in conjunction with garlic oil to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis.
How to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis with sarsaparrilla

How to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis with sarsaparrilla. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease in which the body’s defenses attack its own cells. It leads to skin rashes, most often around the nails and on the scalp.

Psoriasis is not contagious, but it is genetically determined. The symptoms can be aggravated by:

  • Infections
  • Stress
  • Dry skin

Psoriasis affects adults more often and is more common in men than women.



Sarsaparrilla is a shrub that grows in Asia, Africa and Europe. It has thin, thorny stems that can grow up to 2 meters in height.

Sarsaparrilla roots can be used as a natural medicine for skin diseases and are reportedly good for blood circulation.

Essential sarsaparrilla oil is also used by many people.

However, it is important to keep in mind that sarsaparilla is a natural medicine and its medicinal effect has not been proven.

Medicinal properties

Some consider sarsaparrilla to be a natural cleanser that cleanses the kidney system and improves deficiency symptoms.

In addition, it helps to cleanse the blood and thus improves blood circulation. Therefore, it helps fight impurities that appear on the skin, such as acne and rashes caused by psoriasis.

  • Sarsaparrilla can also be a stimulant to produce hormones such as testosterone, making it effective in preventing impotence.
  • Likewise, it can treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, leprosy and general itching. Its anti-inflammatory properties can significantly improve swelling symptoms.

Sarsaparrilla against psoriasis

Sarsaparrilla extract has been part of the traditional medicine to relieve rashes and peeling in cases like syphilis.

Rash caused by this medical condition is very painful. Therefore, there is a natural remedy below to help combat psoriasis symptoms.

Tea brewed on garlic oil and sarsaparrilla

Olive oil and garlic

Garlic is sometimes used for the skin . While it may help on some skin types, it is not necessarily good for everyone. Therefore, try carefully before spreading garlic everywhere.

We have already told how beneficial sarsaparrilla is for the skin. But we would like to mention it again that it is great for cleaning impurities and that is why combining it with garlic gives you an even better result.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons sarsaparrilla root (10 g)
  • Garlic oil (200 g)
  • Water ball


  • Boil the water in a saucepan. When ready, add the sarsaparrilla root and continue to cook it for 15 minutes.
  • Combine the sarsaparrilla infusion with the garlic oil in a container with a lid.
  • Allow the mixture to cool. When cool, use the cotton ball to gently apply the treatment to the affected area.

Note: You should know that natural medicines often supplement other medicines or prescriptions from a dermatologist to improve healing and treat the symptoms.


Person with psoriasis - relieve the symptoms of psoriasis

Keep in mind that using excessive amounts of a plant for medicinal purposes can cause side effects or unexpected side effects on various organs. Plant infusions significantly improve overall health. Learn more about them and what benefits they can offer you.

If discomfort from psoriasis persists, be sure to schedule a dermatologist appointment. It can be a serious infection. If you yourself want to pursue the sarsaparrilla root treatment, be very careful: Black bryony can look like sarsaparrilla and it is toxic.

Remember your skin is important. Use moisturizers that protect you from the sun. Also, remember, if your skin’s pH degenerates a lot, it can lead to even more serious medical conditions like cancer.

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