How To Reduce Acid Reflux

Gastric reflux, or acid reflux, is something that everyone will experience at some point in their lives. Sometimes the symptoms will be completely obvious, but other times it may be a disorder you are not aware you have.
How to reduce acid reflux

Did you know that  the best-selling pill in the United States works against acid reflux or heartburn?  The United States is not the only country whose population suffers from this burning in the stomach condition after eating. If you have experienced this problem, you should read this article, where we will present some tips on how to reduce acid regurgitation.

Some information on acid regurgitation

Reflux (acid reflux) and heartburn are the most common disorders of the human digestive tract. Almost everyone has tried to get an acid regurgitation at some point. It happens when the stomach acid, which is normally used to digest food, runs up into the esophagus and out into the throat. The most common symptoms of reflux are:

  • Acidity – a bitter feeling, like fire or the feeling of a large pressure in the chest and throat after a meal.
  • Vomiting or vomiting of food
  • Nausea with a sour taste in the mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing food
  • Acid reflux

When you swallow your food, it goes down through the esophagus, through its sphincter  and finally down into the stomach. The sphincter forms a barrier or lid that opens and closes every time food enters the esophagus. It is about 7 cm long and its task is to control what comes down into your stomach and at the same time make sure that what is already in your stomach cannot come out.

Since the sphincter of the esophagus is precisely a muscle, its strength and ability to remain closed can vary. There are many cases of acid regurgitation which are simply due to people eating too fast. Certain ingredients in the food can also provoke acid regurgitation just like going to bed right after eating. Physical activity or simply just pressing on the stomach can also be enough to trigger acid regurgitation.

The stomach contains very strong acids, which have the task of breaking down food during the digestive process. If the sphincter in the esophagus is “squeezed”, these acids can rise in the esophagus and cause the burning sensation in the chest. Think about what happens when you vomit. You will be able to taste a sour taste in your mouth and at the same time have the burning sensation in your throat. This happens because the food has been mixed with the stomach acid.

bad breath

It is important to note that while some patients go to the doctor to talk about reflux based on their symptoms and acid regurgitation, there are others who will not notice anything at all. This is called “silent reflux” and can be detected by monitoring a person’s pH levels and by performing an endoscopic examination.

A life of reflux

From the day you are born, you have some form of reflux, which is not a bad thing. If this happens to your child once in a while, you should not worry. About 85% of newborns get acid reflux or vomiting after being breastfed. During the first year of life, it is completely normal. Women who are pregnant also often suffer from acid regurgitation due to the extra pressure put on the abdomen.

For the same reason, reflux is often associated with obesity, as the excess fat around the abdomen puts extra pressure on the abdominal cavity. It can also happen that  overweight  people eat a certain kind of food, which makes this disorder worse. This can happen both in childhood, when one is a teenager or as an adult.

As mentioned earlier, acid regurgitation is a part of life and it should also be noted that many people over 60 develop it as the sphincter at the top of the esophagus weakens after many years of work.

How to avoid gastric reflux

eat healthy

Some people experience acid reflux due to certain foods or ingredients in the food they eat. In contrast, almost everyone experiences an increase in symptoms after consuming coffee, mint, chocolate, alcohol, tomato sauce, spices or spicy foods and processed dairy products. Therefore, it is a good idea to eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and drink well with water.

Better eating habits

In addition to keeping an eye on which foods can give you acid reflux, it is a good idea to eat less, especially in the evening. Eating a large portion of dinner and then going straight to bed does no good to anyone, especially not if one wants to sleep well.

It is a good idea to go after eating something light in the evening with lots of fruits and vegetables for dessert. One should also avoid drinking too much alcohol or eating too much fast food or other processed foods. Make sure the food is not served either too hot or too cold and eat slowly and chew the food several times before swallowing.

Get good sleep

After a meal (both in the afternoon and in the evening), it is a good idea to rest for a while to feel comfortable and more fresh. This helps all the muscles of the body, and especially the esophagus, to relax and it will then work better and be more efficient.

It is also a good idea to avoid stress and keep stress levels as low as possible. Otherwise, reflux will start to become something one experiences every day, which can cause many more health problems, some of which are very serious and irreparable.

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