How To Prevent Indigestion And Flatulence

Your diet is fundamental to good digestion. Therefore, you should avoid spicy, sour and fatty foods. You should also always chew your food well, to facilitate the digestive process.

At some point in life, everyone will suffer from indigestion, abdominal pain and uncomfortable flatulence. It is very possible that you have experienced some of these types of discomfort at some point, and it may even be a recurring thing. In general, this happens because the body cannot digest the food properly and therefore works more slowly, which can be followed by other symptoms.


It is generally called “indigestion” when you experience this often or maybe even every single day for several months. The term “indigestion” is used, on the other hand, if you only have problems once in a while, if it does not last that long and is easier to treat. On the other hand , problems with flatulence are also something that can be very frequent. As this goes hand in hand with indigestion and indigestion.It is very uncomfortable for anyone to experience flatulence, especially if it is a chronic problem. These problems can be caused by the habits one has in one’s everyday life. Therefore , some changes may help prevent these annoying problems.

Avoid emotional stress

The stomach is an organ that is very sensitive to emotional problems. If one suffers from stress, goes through a hard time in his life or suffers from depression, the stomach can also start to suffer from this. It can result in pain, inflammation, general indigestion and even flatulence. Digestion is helped along the way by a balanced emotional life.

Eat right


One of the key points to prevent indigestion and flatulence is to learn to eat right. When you do not chew your food well, digestion will be slower because the body has to work harder to digest. When you eat fast, you will also swallow excess air, resulting in flatulence. It is very important to eat slowly. One should always chew the food well so that the saliva can help the digestive process and at the same time one feels more satiated. It is also important not to drink too much water at meals because it neutralizes the acids in the stomach, which can hinder digestion.

Take a little rest after the meal

After a meal, it is a good idea to relax and allow the stomach to use energy to digest the food. Avoid doing physical activity right after eating, and rest a little. It is a good idea to sit back in a sofa or a soft chair and take a short break, but it is not healthy to take a long nap in bed after a meal.

Take medicine on a full stomach


Many types of medications can cause indigestion, so try to avoid them. If you have to take some medicine daily,  it is best to do it on a full stomach as this prevents discomfort.

eat healthy

Diet is fundamental for good digestion and to prevent flatulence. There are certain foods that can be very harsh on the stomach and therefore it is best to avoid these. If you suffer from frequent flatulence and indigestion, it is best to remove spicy, acidic, fatty and high-fiber foods from your diet. Just as it is best to also avoid other foods which can cause problems. One should also avoid alcohol, tobacco, carbonated beverages and junk food.

Do not eat before bedtime

Woman there is a trip in the fridge

Many people have a bad habit of eating before bed, which can be hard on digestion. It is always recommended to eat at least three hours before bedtime.


  • All of the above tips can be used in daily life to help control digestion and wave goodbye to flatulence and indigestion. Remember that it is always a good idea to also use some natural remedies to combat these problems. Ginger and lemon are two good aids in the fight against flatulence and at the same time relieve indigestion.
  • Also remember that problems with the stomach and digestion should be taken very seriously if it is something you frequently suffer from. If you experience stomach pain, indigestion and flatulence more often than twice a week, you should see your doctor  as this may be a sign of a major problem such as irritable bowel syndrome, a liver infection or food allergy. At worst, it can also be a symptom of certain cancers.

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