How To Make Mandarin Sorbet

Have you ever tasted mandarin sorbet? You can cook this recipe at home to make a refreshing snack for the hot months.
How to make mandarin sorbet

Mandarin sorbet is a refreshing recipe for summer. It provides a certain amount of essential nutrients while ensuring hydration. In addition, if we make it at home, we get a much healthier end result than if we buy it in a store.

You should take into account that homemade products do not usually contain additives. The safety of these items is not always guaranteed. Some substances, such as artificial sweeteners, have a negative effect on the intestinal flora.

Ingredients for two servings of mandarin sorbet

The following ingredients are needed to prepare two servings of mandarin sorbet:

  • 1 small glass of cava
  • 1 peeled lemon without seeds
  • 100 grams of icing sugar
  • 400 grams of peeled tangerines
A pile of tangerines

Step by step how to make mandarin sorbet

The first thing you need to do is make sure the mandarins are clean and have no white residue on the surface. Otherwise, it will give a bitter taste that may not be tasty.

It is important to freeze the mandarins for 6 hours at -20 degrees Celsius. To do this, first cut them into pieces so that each of them is hard and firm after the freezing process.

When cooking sorbet, blend all the ingredients we mentioned in a blender for 5 minutes at maximum power. You should ingest it immediately when a homogeneous texture is obtained, otherwise the organoleptic properties are lost.

For serving, you can use mint leaves or chocolate shavings, whichever you like best. You can even add a glass of cava at the end of the blending process to enhance the flavor. In this case, you will need to whip it in manually with a whisk. Do this at fast speed so that it does not lose its consistency.

Properties of tangerines

Mandarins have positive properties for health. Below we describe some of these benefits.

High content of vitamin C.

One of the predominant nutrients in tangerines is vitamin C. This element improves the immune system and reduces the duration of respiratory diseases. This is according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology.

In addition, it can increase endogenous collagen synthesis, according to research published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. This is positive for athletes’ muscle health, but also helps our skin stay smooth and firm.


Antioxidants are a number of substances that manage to neutralize the formation of free radicals and thus improve overall health in the long run. It is important to consume them to prevent complex diseases, as stated in an article published in the Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine.

Vitamin C is among the compounds with the highest antioxidant activity along with other phytonutrients also found in mandarins. In addition, the latter are, among other things, responsible for the bitter taste.

Provides dietary fiber

Fiber is an important substance in improving intestinal transit and preventing constipation. It increases the amount of fecal bolus, which generates a more efficient motility through stimulation of the mechanoreceptors of the digestive tract.

A regular intake of fiber is related to a reduced risk of developing intestinal problems. In addition, this is evident from research published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.

Contraindications to tangerines

You should note that excessive intake of citrus can cause pain or discomfort in the throat as well as damage the tooth enamel. This is due to the acidity. But to experience these effects, you need to consume them in very large amounts.

It can also increase the risk of developing kidney stones in genetically predisposed people. So to limit the incidence of this health problem, you need to increase the intake of water, which in turn increases urination.

But as a general rule, tangerines are considered a safe and healthy fruit. In addition, doctors suggest including it in the regular diet to ensure a greater intake of essential micronutrients.

Some tangerines

Try making mandarin sorbet!

In conclusion, we must say that it is really easy to cook mandarin sorbet. All you have to do is wait for the pieces to freeze, the rest of the process is quick. You get an excellent end result in the warmer months. Remember, however, that the recipe with cava is not for children!

Note that you can also cook this sorbet with other fruits to increase the variety of your diet. Strawberries are also an easy option to prepare this type of snack. Even oranges will give you an appetizing result. Finally, just get started and experiment with finding your favorite sorbet!

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