How To Help A Child Adapt To A New School

It is not easy for children to change schools. They need a period of adjustment to feel comfortable in the new reality. Learn here how you can help them.
How to help a child adjust to a new school

The first day at a new school is a time that causes a lot of anxiety and fear in most children. It does not matter how old they are. In fact, it usually takes a few months to adjust to a new school until the child feels really comfortable with their teacher and classmates.

As parents, it is our duty to help our children overcome this anxiety. Look at the glass as half full, and discover all the good aspects of this new experience. Do not miss the recommendations in this article.

Where do fear and anxiety come from?

Boy hugs adult due to difficulty adjusting to a new school

It does not matter how old the child is. Anxiety and different types of fear will almost certainly arise when we talk about a change of this nature. It is not difficult to understand what is happening to children, we just need to have a little empathy.

A new school implies a new beginning for the little ones (and not so little ones). Among the  primary factors that cause fear and anxiety,  we have:

  • The unknown:  Everything is new and the child does not know how things will work or what they will find.
  • Not having any friends:  A new school means getting into a class where everyone knows each other. The child enters a formed group where they have no friends at all. It is logical that this situation can cause fear.
  • Losing friends:  Another common fear is to think that they will lose their friends from their old school, that they will forget them and never see them again.

Remember, the  adjustment period varies from child to child depending on their age (young children usually adapt much faster than the older ones) and their personality (shy children usually need more time to adapt to a new school). Be patient and help your child through this difficult time!

How to help your child adjust to a new school

While it is likely that changing school will also cause you some anxiety, you should keep it under control. Do not forget that parents are mirrored where our children see themselves. We are the example they must follow.

Let’s look at a few great tips to help your child adjust to a new school.

Before changing schools

Mother hugs daughter in the process of adjusting to a new school
  1. Mention the change first when it is safe:  It will only cause stress in the children if you talk to them about different options. Only tell them to start a new school when it’s likely to happen.
  2. Explain the reasons:  The only way to make children understand why it is necessary to change schools is by talking to them about the reasons. Although they are small, they have the ability to understand causes. Be patient when asking questions and talk openly!
  3. Provide important information:  Tell them when to start at their new school, how the days will be, how the school works and everything else that you think is important to minimize children’s anxiety.
  4. Be empathetic:  This is a difficult time for your children. Put yourself in their place and stay calm. Your children need your understanding, love and support.
  5. Visit the school:  Get to know the new school before the lessons begin (or the day you move). It is important for your children to get an idea of ​​the school before they start there. Ask the school if it is possible to visit it.
  6. Take advantage of the extra activities:  If the school offers after-hours activities, it may be a good idea to let the children participate in them. Choose an activity that they like and let them slowly get used to the new school and their new classmates. That way, they will not feel so much like “the new baby” when you finally move.

Help your child adjust to a new school on the first day of school

Schoolchildren cry due to problems adjusting to a new school
  1. Wake up your child in a loving way:  Take advantage of the morning so you can have breakfast with them without having to hurry, and try to calm them down.
  2. Take them to the new school:  It does not matter how old they are. They will need your help to face their new teachers and classmates. Be there to support them!
  3. Listen to them:  Let them know that you understand their fears and insecurities.
  4. Be punctual:  Both when you drop them off and when you pick them up. It is important that your child arrives on time in the morning and it is just as important that they see you waiting for them when they get off.
  5. If your child is crying:  (In case of small children) assure them that everything will work out, but do not take them home!
  6. Pay attention to the signs:  Some children do not tell everything that happens at school or they are not sure how to explain their feelings. Observe them and try to notice if they show any changes in their personality or attitude so you can know how they handle the change.

During the adjustment period

Children in school
  1. Do not forget that we were talking about an adjustment period:  it is impossible to predict how much time one’s child will need to feel comfortable at the new school. Take a deep breath and remember that all people need different amounts of time to adapt.
  2. Never lose patience if your child says they do not bother at school:  Adaptation can be very complicated. Listen to your child and help them. Do not add more stress to their lives with shouting or scolding.
  3. T ag contact with other parents:  Find out which children your child likes and talk to their parents. Maybe you can invite them to your home for a play date or dinner. That way, you will help your child make friends.
  4. Listen more than you talk:  Let your child express themselves, try to understand them, and do not use clichés. All people handle change in different ways.

The process of adapting to a new school can be long and complex depending on each child’s character traits. Be patient and empathetic! Only then will you be able to help your children.

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