Home Remedies To Control Fever

Fever is one of the body’s most ingenious strategies for attacking infections.
Home remedies to control fever

Your body is smart. Fever is one of the body’s most ingenious strategies for attacking infections. Controlling your fever with home remedies is a great way to restore your health when your temperature is too high.

The normal body temperature for humans is between 36 and 37 ° C (96.8 and 98.6 ° F). However, when the body detects the presence of an infection, the temperature rises to reduce the movement of microorganisms. When this happens, controlling the fever can become a complicated task.

When your temperature automatically rises, it happens because the body prepares itself to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. Having a fever is not a problem. It is part of the body’s healing process. It  will only be a problem if your temperature is above 38.5 ° C (101.3 ° F).

In such cases, act accordingly so that you can get your body back to its normal state.

Home remedies to control fever

woman with home remedies to control fever

Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician of antiquity, said, “Give me the power to produce fever, and I will cure all diseases.” By saying this, he was referring to the body’s ability to destroy internal enemies through heat. Hippocratic medicine lay in the body’s power to heal itself.

For sure, bacteria and viruses can live comfortably inside your body because its normal temperature is perfect for their growth. However, when you have a fever, their ability to reproduce becomes limited,  allowing the body’s defenses to fight them more effectively. 

So, fever is your ally. However, you can participate in your body’s struggle to restore health, by utilizing its natural intelligence. Therefore, it is a good option to use home remedies to control fever.

Broth of potato peel to control fever

broth with herbs

When it comes to controlling your fever, broth of potato peelings is really helpful because  it is very nourishing and it hydrates the body. A broth of potato peel contains vitamins and minerals that are ideal for restoring your health.

You need to be well hydrated to be able to replace the fluid you lose through your sweat. Therefore, you need to prepare soups that are packed with nutritious elements so that you can strengthen your immune system.


  • 3 medium-sized potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 4 cups water (1 liter)
  • Chopped parsley (optional)
  • Salt and pepper (to taste)


  • First, wash and peel the vegetables. Set the potato peel aside.
  • Next, cut the vegetables into slices.
  • Next, pour the water into a frying pan. Add the peel and the other ingredients.
  • Bring it to a boil and let it cook for 30-45 minutes until the vegetables are soft. 
  • Next, drain the vegetables and let them cool.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Finally, you can add a little parsley to season it and strengthen the mineral components.

Compress with potato and vinegar to control fever

You can also use potatoes to make another, old home remedy to control fever.

In this case, instead of eating them, you can put them directly on your body so that their healing powers can flow through the skin. You will see how your fever drops 20 minutes after applying these chromosomes.


  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 cups of vinegar (of any type) (500 ml)


  • Start by peeling the potatoes and slicing them.
  • Next,  let them soak in vinegar for an hour.
  • Finally, drain the potatoes for 10 minutes, wrap them in a cloth, and place them on your pan.

Ginger tea to control fever

When it comes to fighting fever, tea will not only help you recover. Tea will also delight you with its charming aroma.

Among the many properties of ginger, it can  help restore the immune system. 

Drink this tea  whenever you feel your fever start to rise. If you still have a fever after 6 hours, drink this tea again.


  • 1 tsp. fresh, grated ginger (15 g)
  • 2 cups water (500 ml)
  • Honey (to taste)


  • Pour the water into a saucepan and let it boil.
  • Next, add the fresh, grated ginger to the water, and wait until the liquid is reduced to 1/4 of the original amount.
  • Let it cool down and filter it.
  • Finally, add the honey to each glass, and drink it.

Basil tea

tea with herbs

Your pantry should never lack one of the best, natural home remedies, such as chamomile, thyme, marigold, basil and ginger roots.

Basil has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. It is a great remedy for  controlling fever and reducing your body temperature.


  • 2 tbsp. basil leaves (30 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)


  • First, heat the water until it reaches boiling point, then add the basil leaves.
  • Subsequently, cover the pan and let it soak for a few minutes before filtering it.
  • Finally, avoid using sugar in the mixture as it will be better to sweeten it with honey.

Also read: 8 benefits of drinking basil tea every day

Other tips to control fever naturally

Tip 1: Sleep is important to control fever

Get some rest.

When your body is overheated, you should not do any activities other than sleeping. Having a fever is a  reason to be completely dedicated to restoring your health. 

What you should do during this time is to monitor your body temperature every 2 hours to make sure that you do not reach a dangerously high temperature.

Tip 2: Take a bath with warm water

This is a popular home remedy for controlling fever. The warm water will make you feel good and the bath will help you lower your body temperature.

It is not necessary to use soap. Just stay underwater for 5-10 minutes until you feel new again.

If you do not feel like taking a bath, you can place some cold compresses with water on the areas where there is a lot of heat, such as the armpits and at the groin. By doing this,  you can reduce your body temperature as the water evaporates.

Also read: 11 home remedies for smelly armpits

Tip 3: Use some spice

Adding a good touch of pepper, pieces of fever or strong sauce to your soups and decoctions is one of the most surprising home remedies to control fever. Exactly this sensory explosion of  spice will make you sweat, excrete toxins, balance your body temperature  and help your blood circulation.

If you do not like strong spices, you can use it in moderation so that you can benefit from its effects and not feel any discomfort from consuming it excessively.

When to get help

These home remedies to control fever will help you regulate your body temperature.

Conversely,  if your fever does not subside after 3 days and you have other symptoms such as rash, difficulty breathing, excessive muscle pain, among other things, do not stay home. This will be the time to seek medical attention, and get a doctor to introduce a more effective treatment.

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