Fight Migraines In Minutes Using This Ancient Recipe

You can drink this homemade beverage as a preventative or treatment to fight migraines. The properties of Himalayan salt have many benefits for the body.
Fight migraines in minutes using this ancient recipe

Fight migraines in minutes using this ancient recipe! Migraine is a very common neurological disorder caused by the arteries in the skull dilating, causing tension.

This can cause pain on both sides of the head, although it is generally only focused on one side.

Along with the pain, one can also experience sensitivity to light, blinking in one side of your vision and nausea.

Fight migraines

It is estimated that 20% of the global population suffers from migraines and 50% of these cases are women.

Some people confuse it with common headaches because they both involve headaches; But this painful condition is more pulsating and intense.

Although the exact cause is still unknown, there are several factors that have been related to the tendency to suffer from it.

Below we will share the details of the most common and ancient homemade beverages that help fight migraines.

Let’s take a look at them.

What causes migraines?

Many experts say that a migraine often comes from genetic factors.

The causative factors are difficult to identify and vary from person to person. They are almost always also associated with lifestyle habits.

Here are some of the factors associated with migraines:

Family history

Woman with the migraines

Although this is not a completely established cause, it has been established that some cases are related to a gene located in chromosome 9.

Stress and anxiety

Constant exposure to stressful situations and anxiety increases one’s risk of this condition, especially in patients who have already suffered from migraines.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes are due to ovulation and menstruation, which can aggravate the migraine.

They also occur in women who take oral contraceptives or pills to control hormones.

Sharp pain can last from 4 to 72 hours and it can also cause nausea, irritability, dizziness and tenderness.

Diet and alcohol consumption

People who drink alcohol

Certain foods and beverages have a close relationship with persistent migraines.

Stimulants such as alcohol and energy drinks along with glutamate monosodium in certain processed foods increase the risk of migraines.

Sleep disorders

People who have sleep disorders or have difficulty sleeping at appropriate times are more likely to suffer from this condition.

Environmental factors

Woman wearing mask for mouth outside

Certain environmental elements together with sudden climate change cause various health disorders.

Some of the changes associated with migraines include:

  • Sudden temperature changes
  • Fluorescent tubes or dazzling lights
  • Loud noises
  • Computer monitors
  • Strong odors
  • Height
  • Pollution

Fight migraines with homemade drinks


This drink controls migraines within minutes and is a traditional, ancient remedy that has been used for this purpose.

It is based on the popular Himalayan salt, which is a complete ingredient that provides the body with important minerals and other beneficial substances.

Although it is not recommended to consume salt, we know that in small doses it is good for regulating various bodily functions.

The chemical structure of this type of salt makes it one of the most beneficial to human health, to the point that it is considered “white gold”.

It contains 84 minerals, electrolytes and revitalizing substances that help restore salts lost through sweat.

Although this alternative treatment for migraine is not scientifically proven, those who have tried it will assure that it will fight migraines and reduce pain for 10 minutes.


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • The juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp. Pink Himalayan salt (5 grams)

What to do

  • Mix the pink Himalayan salt with lemon juice and a glass of water.
  • Sip the mixture, preferably on an empty stomach, before breakfast.
  • For kids, just add a few drops to their food.
  • Of course, you can also drink it at the first signs of migraine.
  • Avoid using more than one teaspoon of Himalayan salt a day as it can be harmful.

Go one step further and prepare this interesting home remedy and you will discover that it not only fights migraines but it also has many other bodily benefits.

Fight migraines today!

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