Fear: Why I’m Afraid To Drive

Driving can be a joyful and completely natural experience for many. But there are some people who do not enjoy it and may even be afraid to drive.
Fear: Why I am afraid to drive

Vehophobia is the fear that some people have when sitting behind the wheel of a car. It can occur in different situations or conditions and one of its common symptoms is a crippling fear that prevents them from driving the vessel. In this article we will talk a little about why people are afraid to drive.

Why are people afraid to drive?

The fear of driving that some people may experience is different. In some cases, people fear causing an accident or misusing the gears. In other cases , the problem comes from where they are driving (highway, roads, major roads).

There are also those who are afraid to drive at night or at high speeds. Vehophobia has three dimensions:


The cognitive dimension relates to thoughts of accidents, loss of control, fear of dying, or causing the death of other people.

Emotional or physiological

People who fear driving may experience anxiety, muscle tension, insecurity, nausea and excessive sweating. They may also have blurred vision, faster heart rate, diarrhea or trembling hands and legs.


Man driving a car

People with vehophobia avoid driving or drive only in special circumstances, such as. Driving when with someone, on certain roads without exceeding the minimum speed during the day on empty roads, etc.

The degree of fear that the driver experiences may vary depending on the limitations or difficulties that the phobia causes, as well as the level of discomfort that the person may feel.

Some can not even get into the driver’s seat. Others prefer to let someone else drive, walk or take a taxi. There are also those who do not mind taking twice as long to reach their destination by taking a quieter route.

This fear can disrupt everyday life. Ranging from rejecting job offers that require driving, spending a lot of money on public transportation and refusing to help anyone in an emergency as well as not being able to enjoy a weekend outing.

The fear of driving often affects drivers with little experience (less than 2 years) and in a small number also experienced drivers. There are also more cases in women around their 30s. Some of the main reasons for this fear are the following:

  • Exposure to an accident (or simply being in one).
  • Learning based on fear or lack of confidence in one’s own abilities.
  • Anxiety or stress from problems other than driving (work, family problems, etc.).

Can you overcome the fear of driving?

If for some reason you can not drive a car or something, because just thinking about getting into the car scares you, here are  some tips that can help you:

Create a relaxing atmosphere

Person driving a car

There are some friends or family members who can make you more nervous if you bring them together. You can tell them to sit in the back seat or ask them directly not to take you.

Wear comfortable clothing to avoid feeling pressure anywhere in your body. Put on some relaxing music and hang up a nice car refresher.

Practice breathing exercises

When you feel like you have no control over a situation and you are on the verge of suffering a panic attack, resort to breathing exercises.

Let the air get through your nose and continue deeper into your lungs. Your stomach needs to expand as much as possible. Exhale slowly to relax your body. Repeat several times.

Use positive affirmations

Woman driving a car with a man as a passenger

Any phrases or words that allow you to build your self-confidence and self-esteem are welcome if you are afraid to drive. For example, you can try saying the following out loud:

  • I drive carefully and I stay within the speed limit.
  • I know I’m an attentive and prepared driver.
  • I drive in the right lane to feel safer.
  • I’ve planned this trip, I know where I’m going, and I’m prepared.

4. Confront your fears

The best way to manage your fear of driving is by driving. Start small in the light traffic hours, on quiet roads and at very low speeds. When you gain more confidence in yourself, your fears will disappear.

Exposure therapy is one of the most effective ways to overcome fear. If you do nothing to overcome it, it becomes and is uncontrollable.

5. Take small steps

Woman driving a car with her mouth open - afraid to drive

If you are afraid to drive, you can not use the car for long distances at night or in the morning. In light of this, you should complete certain steps or levels until you feel ready. Start by holding the keys for a few minutes, then put them in the car with the engine off.

Next, drive down only one street and around the neighborhood. Only drive down a main street that has a traffic light and use the right lane of the highway for the first lane, then switch to the next lane, etc.

6. Ask for help

There are many people around you who give you the support you need to let go of your fear of driving. You can ask them to come with you  on your first excursions, or at least listen to your fears and make their opinion known.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of talking about the problem and the emotions that driving causes, which can start your path towards overcoming the problem.

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