Eight Foods That Cause Heartburn

Do you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn? Learn about 8 foods that cause heartburn to prevent this unpleasant condition in the future.
Eight foods that cause heartburn

Did you know that there are some foods that cause heartburn? Heartburn is an unpleasant symptom caused by a malfunction of a sphincter in the esophagus. This part of your body serves to hold leftover food and gastric juices in your stomach.

This is a condition characterized by a burning sensation under the chest. It is almost always accompanied by a dry throat and heartburn.

In fact, it is sometimes so powerful that many people misinterpret the pain as a heart attack. This causes hundreds of visits to the doctor.

Its occurrence may be due to a problem in the stomach. It can also be due to digestive problems that increase your acid production.

But most cases have to do with your diet. This is because meals with too many spices change our digestive pH and increase your acidity.

This is a sporadic disease that is not serious. However, it is good to know what foods are causing it so that you prevent it from coming back all the time.

Take a look at them!

Foods that cause heartburn

Chocolate is one of the foods that causes heartburn

Too much chocolate can cause acid reflux

Chocolate has become very popular due to its high content of antioxidants. However , eating too much can be a trigger for acid reflux.

This is due to its high fat content and stimulating content. These stimulants include caffeine and theobromine. Both of these are related to an increase in the acidity of the digestive system.

2. Strong spices are one of the foods that cause heartburn

Strong spices give a special touch to dishes. In addition, some even have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The problem is that they can be aggressive towards your immune system. This is especially true when combined with irritating foods.

These spices can be harmful if you suffer from constant episodes of heartburn. Among the foods and spices that do this, we find:

  • Spicy sauces
  • Curry
  • Strong peppers
  • Cumin

3. Coffee

For a large number of people, coffee is an invaluable part of their daily lives. Its energizing properties along with its antioxidants make it a great opportunity to start a long working day.

However, as this is one of the main sources of caffeine, people suffering from heartburn should avoid it.

This stimulant weakens the valves that hold the stomach acids in your stomach. This makes it easier for them to get into your esophagus and mouth. In other words, drugs like this cause heartburn.

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4. French fries: One of the foods that causes the most heartburn

Deep-fried food is one of the biggest causes of heartburn

French fries and other deep-fried foods sold in stores are an enemy of a number of digestive and metabolic processes.

These foods contain high levels of trans fatty acids. They also add chemicals that not only affect your digestive function but also increase the production of acids and the presence of toxins.

Eating too many of them plays a role in lack of control in the inflammatory processes in your body. As a result, the recurrent stomach pressure and heartburn increase.

5. Sausages and preserves

Both sausages and canned meat are full of artificial substances. They allow us to keep the meat fresh. But they cause an excess of acid in your blood and stomach.

This type of food is characterized by its high content of fat and flour. These affect the health of your stomach and your metabolism.

Including them in your normal diet can cause the occurrence of diseases such as obesity and high levels of cholesterol and blood sugar.

6. Pastries

Cookies and other sweet treats are full of artificial additives

Products from the bakery are bad for you, especially cookies and sweets that are full of artificial additives. They trigger an acidic environment in your stomach and esophagus.

In addition to containing sugar and refined sugar, these substances cause irritation in the stomach. They also increase the presence of acidic gastric juice.

As a result, it weakens the esophagus. At the same time, it increases your tendency to suffer from stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Carbonated beverages

Drinking carbonated beverages can cause a number of adverse reactions in your body. These are reflected in several health aspects.

Carbonated beverages, especially cola, are high in caffeine. Because of this, they have similar effects as coffee.

The carbon dioxide also increases the pressure in the stomach, causing an acidic reaction to this environment.

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8. Red meat: An important cause of heartburn

Red meat is one of the foods that causes heartburn

Eating too much red meat increases the level of inflammation in your body. This is because it has too many purines and acidic substances that get in the way of digestion.

This, in addition to its high fat content, explains why this is one of the foods responsible for the constant occurrence of this annoying condition.

Do you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn? Look at your diet and limit how much you eat the foods that cause heartburn, as we have mentioned, to make it easier to control this problem.

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