Early Dinner Can Help With Weight Loss And Prevent Diabetes

Eating early dinner and in accordance with our biological clock can have a positive impact on the prevention of metabolic diseases such as diabetes. We will tell you more in this article.
Early dinner can help with weight loss and prevent diabetes

Have you ever heard that you can help prevent diabetes and lose weight if you eat early dinner? Some people think that dinner is the primary enemy when it comes to losing those extra pounds. But the truth is that quite often the problem is not what one eats. It is the amount one eats and the time one eats.

Within the framework of a healthy diet  , nutritionists recommend eating four main meals a day. They also suggest that it is a good idea to eat early dinner or at least not to go to bed right after eating.

Eating from our biological clock

Needles on the plate illustrate early dinner

Diet and the level of physical activity are directly related to weight and the development or prevention of metabolic diseases. In addition to dietary habits, what else do the times we eat meals have to do with these diseases? What does science say about them?

For a long time, scientists have known that the human body  functions based on a biological clock. It regulates the cycles of sleep based on the hours of the day. Experts have in fact established that there is not just one, but rather many of them in different bodies.

Based on this discovery, experts found that our  metabolism follows a rhythm. This means that the enzymatic system and the digestive system are ready to receive food at certain times during the day. So the ideal is that sleep and diet should be based on this rhythm.

This is why experts believe that  early dinner can help prevent diabetes and maintain an optimal weight as well as prevent obesity.

Early dinner can help prevent diabetes and obesity

Woman making dinner

Some studies say that  people who eat dinner just before going to bed are more likely to develop metabolic diseases  such as the diseases mentioned in the previous section.

In research published in  Nutrients Magazine  , the effects were produced by a diet consisting of three main meals and one snack compared in two groups of young adults. These meals were distributed throughout the day in one group and in the evening in the other group.

It was found that despite having eaten the same thing, those who ate exclusively in the evening developed indicators of insulin resistance.  For example, there was an increased risk of developing diabetes.

Studies conducted with a group of students also showed similar results. On the other hand, half of the participants were exposed to a lifestyle based on daytime hours. It involved eating during the day and eating dinner as early as possible. In contrast, there was a similar group who eat their meals in the evening.

The subjects in the first group showed glucose levels within the normal parameters. Besides that, their levels of leptin and insulin were also normal. They are responsible for the conversion of lipids and carbohydrates. These young adults were able to burn fat better and were also less likely to suffer from diabetes.

This is what nutritionists refer to when advising us to eat early dinner. Whenever possible  we should have dinner at least two hours before going to bed.

In addition to early dinner, one should also always eat breakfast

It is not because our bodies are not able to digest nutrients in the evening and that it is during the day. It’s just the fact that our biological clock works in a certain way. In this particular way of living is, among other things, that we eat at regular times and do not skip meals.

Within the same topic, researchers in this article, Food at night as obesity inducing factor,  discovered that after the first meal, rats had restarted their daily rhythms. It then kept them in line with the information their biological clock sent them during the day.

In contrast  , those who did not eat breakfast experienced a delay in their metabolic cycle compared to the other group. In addition to this, they lost inner synchronicity. The sign of their bodies early in the evening was also changed. There were changes in the uptake of lipids and a greater predisposition to uptake adipose tissue.

Yes, early dinner can help prevent diabetes

Family eating dinner together

In order to maintain an optimal weight as much as possible  , one will have to respect how one’s body functions, and maintain regular times for all one’s meals.  As for dinner, if you eat it at least two hours before going to bed, then it is enough time for your body to digest it.

Likewise, one should prioritize healthier foods and consider one’s individual needs. To make sure you are doing the right thing, you should talk to a nutritionist.

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