Discover Purple Carrots: They Are Nutritious And Ideal For Weight Loss

Have you tried purple carrots? Purple carrots are rich in anthocyanin, an antioxidant that gives it its distinctive color and helps you fight inflammation and even some cancers. Learn about some of the many benefits of this delicious, colorful vegetable.
Discover Purple Carrots: They are nutritious and ideal for weight loss

It is strange to think of a carrot without its beautiful orange color. In this article we will talk about purple carrots!

But as strange as it may seem, the purple carrot was actually more common in the past and was eaten more often than any other type of carrot in Asia and Europe.

In the past, the carrots came in many different colors. Depending on the area and composition of the soil in which they were grown, they could be white, yellow, even very dark-almost black-purple.

Different types of carrots

Ok, but… what about orange carrots?

This variety first appeared in Holland during the 17th century.

They are in fact nothing more than hybrids, a combination created by Dutch farmers who wanted to honor the Royal Orange House.

They were so successful that they soon began selling them beyond their own borders, paving the way for the established market for the orange carrot that exists today.

It’s an interesting and well-documented story that explains why we don’t see purple carrots so often in our markets.

Let’s take a look at why.

The nutritious purple carrot

Person growing carrots

Let’s start by taking a look at what this distinctive color does.

The purple color in these carrots comes from a water-soluble substance called anthocyanin.

Anthocyanin is an antioxidant found in many different foods, including red grapes, eggplant, blueberries, kidney beans, red cabbage or pomegranates.

Knowing how healthy the above foods are, you can probably already guess what amazing medicinal power is also hiding in purple carrots:

  • They are able to improve the health of your heart.
  • They are anti-cancer
  • They lower bad cholesterol or LDL.
  • The effect of anthocyanin in purple carrots is also highly advisable for people with diabetes. Regular intake controls blood sugar.
  • Its antioxidants protect blood vessels and neutralize the enzymes that damage collagen and connective tissue.

Purple carrots and weight loss

You will be happy to know that purple carrots are low in calories. You can eat them raw or steamed. They are filling and also offer you a high fiber content.

It is also interesting to note that this vegetable will help in your digestion. Not only does this mean lower blood sugar, but it also helps you absorb nutrients better because of its fiber.

Most of the fiber in purple carrots is soluble. Soluble fibers absorb water in the digestive tract, forming a gel-like substance. Little by little on its way through the intestines, it captures toxins and then reduces cholesterol levels as it reaches the bloodstream.

They are good for reducing varicose veins

Purple carrots

If you have varicose veins, purple carrots can help relieve pain and pressure.

But again, it is anthocyanin that helps with its anti-inflammatory powers. It also improves blood flow.

Purple carrots activate a number of proteins that are able to heal damaged walls of blood vessels, which improves overall cardiovascular health.

Note that although they will not make the varicose veins disappear, they will help relieve their symptoms.

Ideal for preventing colon cancer

Purple carrots, like blueberries, radishes, or red grapes, contain minerals and antioxidants that are good at protecting you from the spread of cancer cells.

According to a study conducted by the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Maryland, regular intake of these foods inhibits the growth of these harmful cells in the colon.

Now let’s take a look at some excellent purple carrot recipes.

Fresh purple carrot and apple juice

Little carrot juice

A great way to really benefit from the health of purple carrots is by making a delicious smoothie. It is an ideal way to start the day or to go with your dinner.

Here’s how to make it.


  • 2 purple carrots
  • 1 apple
  • The juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)


  • The first thing you need to do is wash the purple carrots and apple well.
  • Then cut the apple into quarters to make it easier to mix.
  • Then mix the carrots and apple and pour it into your favorite glass.
  • Now, add 1 cup of water and lemon juice.
  • Mix well and have fun!

It is a sweet, sour and sour taste that you will enjoy and it will give your health a boost.

Give it a try!

If you are not already enjoying the benefits of purple carrots, then it’s time now.

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