Discover How To Make Greek Moussaka

This recipe, which we present below, is intended for about 4-6 people. 
Discover how to make Greek moussaka

Although the original recipe includes milk and meat, you can make a vegetarian, Greek moussaka by replacing these ingredients with almond milk and wheat gluten.

Moussaka is a really delicious Greek dish. It is a little comparable to Italian lasagna, although Greek moussaka has only three layers. Nevertheless, the most striking feature, by this dish, is the use of the most typical Greek vegetable: eggplant.

Generally,  moussaka is served as breakfast, as a single dish or as a main course. It is a very nutritious and tasty dish that will surely satiate you and give you the energy you need to get through the day.

Greek moussaka

This recipe, which we present below,  is intended for about 4-6 people. If you need to make moussaka for more, just customize the ingredients.

If you decide to modify the recipe, make sure that you do not omit the olive oil, or the mentioned spices, because that is what gives the Greek moussaka its distinctive flavor.

Ingredients for the bottom

  • Olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar
  • 1 small egg
  • ½ kilo of eggplant
  • 1 tbsp. oregano (15 g)
  • Minced lamb (400 g)
  • 1 tbsp. tomato puree (20 g)
  • 3 tbsp. white wine (45 ml)
  • 1½ tsp. grated parmesan cheese (30 g)
  • Spice: Coarse sea salt

Ingredients for bechamel sauce

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 2 tbsp. margarine (40 g)
  • 60 g flour
  • Spice: Fine salt, black pepper, nutmeg

Preparation of the bechamel sauce

  1. Melt the margarine in a saucepan, over medium heat. When it is liquid enough, add the flour, and mix it well, with slow movements. The flour must be toasted  through this process.
  2. Heat the milk in a saucepan, over medium heat. When it boils, turn off the heat.
  3. Add the milk to the mixture with flour and margarine. Keep stirring  so that no lumps come in.
  4. Let it cook for 5 minutes so that it reaches the right consistency. Next, turn off the heat, and season with a hint of salt, fresh, crushed, black pepper and nutmeg.

Preparation of Greek moussaka

  1. Wash and cut eggplant into thin slices. Then place it in a container and sprinkle with coarse sea salt. Let the discs soak for an hour. 
  2. Prepare a frying pan over medium heat, 5 minutes before this hour has passed.
  3. Wipe the eggplant slices with absorbent paper and start frying them in plenty of oil. They should turn golden brown on both sides. 
  4. Meanwhile, marinate the lamb with vinegar, roasted walnuts and olive oil.
  5. Peel and chop the onion, and fry it in a pan with two tbsp. tomato puree. Then add a little white wine and oregano.
  6. Let the sauce cook on low heat for  about half an hour. 
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
  8. Fry the lamb in another pan. Set it aside when done.
  9. Season the sauce with salt and fresh, ground pepper.
  10. Pour the sauce over the meat and onion, and stir.
  11. Grease a baking tin with a little olive oil. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the mold, and place a layer of fried eggplant.
  12. Place a layer of meat on top of the eggplant, and another layer of bechamel sauce.
  13. Repeat until you have made 3 layers. The last layer should be with bechamel sauce.
  14. Bake it all for 30-40 minutes. That way, your Greek moussaka will be well-baked and browned a bit.

It is worth mentioning that there are many ways to make Greek moussaka as everyone adds their favorite ingredients. However, it is important that the spices remain the same so that you can enjoy the original taste of the Mediterranean.

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