Detox Your Body In 3 Days With This Diet

Your health largely depends on your diet choices after these three days. Follow a healthy and balanced diet plan and exercise regularly.
Detox your body in 3 days with this diet

Do not follow this regimen for more than three days. This is because it is a very restrictive diet that is only meant to detox your body over a very short period of time. Detox your body in three days with this cure.

Many people do not eat well because they do not have plenty of time to cook. Maybe you also eat a little too much junk food. Therefore, it is important to detox your body from time to time, for example with this 3-day plan.

It can be hard to find the time to live the way you want to. Many people who work full time feel that they have no surplus to make their health a part of their normal life. But this is how health becomes a habit rather than a temporary solution.

Your body needs nutrients and healthy meals – and all of this requires planning. The body will always tell you how it is feeling. Listen to it!

There is nothing that can replace a healthy lifestyle and good, healthy, persistent habits. But you can start with this cure: Detox your body in three days.

Detox your body with this cure


There are no miracle cures. Durable and healthy results as you gradually change your habits for the better. Three days is only enough time to get started, but then you need to continue with a balanced diet.

Detox your body to remove harmful toxins that damage your skin or weaken your organs. Health comes from within.

A detox is the first step. It will only take three days and it will therefore be very restrictive. It will consist of eating fruits and vegetables, soup or broth and tea that helps with the hydration process, getting proteins and carbohydrates.

You can eat snacks between meals. Andrea Miranda, director of the Argentine Society for Aesthetics and Integrated Nutrition (SAENI), says two servings a day is enough. It can be low-fat yogurt, gelatin, grapes or nuts.

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Drink plenty of water

Dr. Miranda explains that water is very important on a detox treatment. She suggests that you drink 2-3 liters a day to optimize the hydration of your body.

Water cleanses the body and helps cleanse organs such as the kidneys, which are so important in removing toxins from the body. When detoxing, try drinking plenty of water to make sure your body has enough fluid for all its functions.

How to put together a good detox

Detox your body in three days by making sure you provide your body with the necessary nutrients and minerals. Even though the cure only lasts three days, you still need certain nutrients. It is not worth risking your health.

Woman cooking

Here are some tips:

  • Drink two or three liters of water a day.
  • Do not forget the carbohydrates, but remove flour and processed sugar.
  • Eat fruits, vegetables and root vegetables. These three food groups strengthen the immune system.
  • Fruits are an excellent source of sugar and contain many nutrients. Choose diuretic fruits like pineapple.
  • Eat nuts.
  • Avoid carbohydrates in the evening.
  • Choose fresh meat and fish. Prepare them without spices, and eat them in small portions.
  • Reduce your salt intake to prevent fluid retention and stimulate diuresis.
  • Avoid frying your food. Use olive or coconut oil if you absolutely must use oil.

Detox your body in three days: How to do it step by step

Here is an example of what you can eat every day while detoxing.


  • Option 1: Drink a cup of tea with two slices of wholemeal toast with low-fat cheese. Also drink a glass of orange juice.
  • Option 2: Eat a handful of dried fruit (hazelnut, almonds, walnuts and peanuts).


  • Vegetable soup. Salad with raw or cooked vegetables. Drink plenty of water.
  • Alternative option: 10 grapes and a cup of tea.


  • Chicken or meat. Cooked vegetables. Chicken, meat or fish that you can eat fresh, baked or cooked. Accompanied by fruit and water.

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Infusions or tea

A cup of tea

Drink plenty of tea while detoxing. You want to prevent fluid retention and increase the detoxification process. Infusions are good for your body and are well suited for both winter and summer.

Feel free to drink green tea because it contains a lot of antioxidants. Also consider white tea, which is ideal if you often feel anxious or stressed. It contains amino acids and can prevent high blood pressure.

Remember that your detox cure is not a punishment. It will be three difficult days with many restrictions, but it is meant to improve your physical and mental health.

Your health largely depends on your diet choices after these three days. Follow a healthy and balanced diet plan and exercise regularly.

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