Coffee And Lemon: Is It A Good Mix?

Coffee and lemon are two ingredients with recognized properties, but how about consuming them together? Will the beneficial effects be greater? Find out in this article!
Coffee and lemon: Is it a good mix?

A new combination, coffee and lemon, is on the rise in the world of beverages. Many people expect it to create health benefits that go beyond those you get when you consume them individually.

There is nothing to say that these products cannot be mixed. However, it is not yet known what happens when it comes to the benefits of consuming them together.

Coffee and lemon

The exact form to prepare it is to add the juice of one lemon to 230 ml of coffee. While for some people it may seem like a weird combination, others see it as a potential for positive health benefits.

Most people definitely think that lemon is better suited for a cup of tea. Traditionally, however , people in specific regions have long drunk it as a refreshing beverage to combat the heat. 

To assess its use and health benefits, it is best to review the benefits of the two ingredients separately.

The benefits of coffee

To make coffee, let dried and ground beans soak in warm water. It is a simple process for one of the most consumed beverages around the world. According to data from the British Coffee Association, around two trillion cups of coffee are drunk every day.

Throughout history, its intake has had both a bad and a good reputation. For that reason, science has made it a focal point. It is known to be a stimulating food that is able to improve certain aspects such as memory, concentration and exhaustion. 

The intake of coffee has been examined according to various health parameters. The authors of an important summary of existing studies point out that most of them are observational. Therefore, we need to be careful about drawing conclusions.

There are several benefits to coffee

The positive associations between coffee and liver disease (liver failure, non-alcoholic fatty liver or liver fibrosis) are among the most common. There also seems to be a lower probability of developing liver cancer. 

Likewise, the authors highlight a lower risk of mortality for any reason in those people who consume coffee, compared to those who do not. Furthermore, there is a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and metabolic problems such as type-2 diabetes.

The absolute maximum amount of coffee a person should drink seems to be three cups a day. However, a higher intake does not seem to be dangerous, but it also does not seem to provide more benefits.

There are apparently no indications of harmful effects from continuous consumption of this beverage. In addition to the recommendations not to drink it during pregnancy or if one is one of those women who are at a higher risk of suffering from bone fractures.

Coffee has largely been studied by science. And with good reason. It is estimated that two trillion cups of coffee are drunk every day worldwide. 

Discover more: How to drink coffee in a healthy way

What does lemon supply the body with?

Citrus fruits are grown all over the world and  they are known to be one of the most consumed fruits. Their content of vitamins and other phytochemical contributions has made them products used for therapeutic purposes.

Their most important nutrient is vitamin C. It plays a vital role in the body such as helping with bone development, healing wounds and maintaining healthy gums. 

At a metabolic level, it also allows the activation of B vitamins, the conversion of cholesterol to bile acid and the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin.

This important micronutrient works in synergy with other elements such as flavonoids, carotenes, alkaloids and essential oils. Thanks to these, science has been able to compare them with some positive effects on health:

  • Antioxidants: Makes it possible to counteract free radicals. The presence of free radicals plays a critical role in aging, inflammation and heart disease.
  • Increased intake of citrus fruits is associated with  lower probability of death and disease due to problems with the cardiovascular system. 
  • Vitamin C protects the immune system,  reduces the rate of allergic reactions and helps fight basic infections such as colds.

Myths about the benefits of coffee and lemon

In addition to the positive effects that these two have separately, there are some claims about health benefits related to the intake of coffee with lemon. These are supported by commitments under this beverage.

Reduction of body fat

This is one of the most appealing claims. However, neither coffee nor lemon have been shown to be foods that are able to make the accumulation of lipids disappear from the body. 

Some studies have observed the ability of caffeine to increase metabolism and thus burn calories. However, it does not affect weight loss and the reduction of fat.

Therefore, it seems that science is unquestionable and that the truthfulness of this belief cannot be proven at the moment. In any case, coffee helps reduce the feeling of hunger. 

They help control headaches

The other popular claim about this mixture is also not supported by scientific data. There may even be some contradictions, as the consumption of coffee in some cases is related to migraines.

While we know that the combination of caffeine and medication can amplify the effects of the medication, lemon has no benefits under this. 

Coffee and lemon promise a healthier skin

A high intake of fruits and vegetables is positive when it comes to improving the health of the skin. At present, it is still unknown which of their components are responsible for this.

This is why the general recommendation of consuming three fruits a day is always positive. If you include lemon or other citrus fruits, the contribution of vitamin C will stimulate the synthesis of collagen. This protein promotes skin elasticity and strength.

They help relieve diarrhea

This is the last of the popular beliefs around this drink and it does not seem to be supported by the data we have so far. Conversely, caffeine increases bowel movements and promotes the urge to go to the toilet.

Intake of coffee is not recommended in case of diarrhea, as its diuretic effect may aggravate the loss of fluid that occurs with increased bowel movements.

Woman with stomach ache
Diarrhea involves loss of fluid and electrolytes, so coffee is counterproductive in these circumstances. 

Does mixing coffee and lemon enhance the benefits?

The consumption of coffee and lemon has positive effects on health as long as they are consumed within the framework of a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle habits. At the moment, however, we can not say the same about the result by mixing them. 

Does that mean it’s a bad choice to drink that unusual coffee with a splash of lemon juice? Not at all. It may be one of your choices when you get up, but do not expect any magical effects. Thanks to the lemon, the coffee becomes fresher and it becomes less bitter.

The latest trend in beverages does not offer the promised benefits

Many people often drink hot water with lemon or coffee in the morning. Each of these drinks can be beneficial, although the sum of the two does not seem to have additional positive effects. 

In any case, there is no evidence that it improves headaches or helps reduce body fat. Nor should it be the beverage of choice if one suffers from diarrhea.

It is therefore an option to use lemon to refresh a good coffee if you think the taste is delicious and it does not create any side effects to drink it.

Taking moderate doses of each of them or the combination of them seems safe. However, do not forget that a larger amount is not always synonymous with several benefits. An overconsumption of them can have harmful effects. 

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