Avoid This If You Have An Overactive Bladder

Avoiding excessive water intake is one of the obvious steps to deal with this problem – but there are also certain foods that you should avoid if you have an overactive bladder.
Avoid this if you have an overactive bladder

An overactive bladder lets urine out at any time without any warning.

This is a problem that can be more than annoying. The good news, however, is that it is a problem that  we can solve if we address it early and correctly.

In this article, we will look at foods you should avoid if you are betting on being able to deal with this problem.

This you should know about an overactive bladder

Man must pee

Before we look at how to deal with this problem, it is a good idea to know a little about it. An overactive bladder, also known as a “hyperactive bladder”, affects many. Some people who suffer from two or more of the following symptoms may suffer from an overactive bladder:

  • To urinate  more than 8 times a day and twice a night  (without drinking excessive amounts of fluid).
  • Strong and recurring desire to go to the toilet.
  • Loss of fluid after urinating.

Several different cases may be due to lack of bladder control. Although the following things are the main sinners:

  • Nerves
  • Stress
  • Excessive coffee consumption
  • To drink very large amounts of water

In addition,  approximately 20% of cases relate to a neurological condition,  such as Parkinson’s, brain tumor or  spina bifida.

People who suffer from an overactive bladder  may end up feeling unable to take part in certain activities. Likewise, they may feel a kind of shame over their condition.

The sudden need to go to the toilet and urine leaks “on the go” can cause social isolation and problems at work. After all, the person who is struggling with it is likely to end up dedicating a lot of mental energy to worrying about the problem.

Foods to avoid if you have an overactive bladder

Several treatments are available for this condition.

  • Some are prescribed by a  medical professional,  such as a botox injection.
  • Others are related to  daily habits. These involve physical exercises to strengthen the abdomen and a diet that cuts down on specific beverages and types of tea.

If you are one of the many people who suffer from an overactive bladder, we recommend that you avoid the following foods:

Spicy foods

Indian sauces, Mexican dishes, Asian food, strong chili… They can all be delicious, but they can also cause problems when it comes to the health of your urinary tract.

Just think: if it makes your mouth burn when you eat them, then will they not just do the same thing on the inside of your bladder? The answer is yes!

Spicy foods will aggravate the symptoms of this condition. This is why we recommend that you avoid them altogether or try to reduce the amount you use when cooking.

Sugary foods

Sweets – like other foods that contain a large amount of sugar – can be harmful to your health. The same can be said for desserts, which contain artificial sweeteners instead of sugar.

They  all increase the need to urinate and irritate the bladder. In addition, they are a source of large amounts of calories.

For this reason, it is a good idea to avoid sweets, cookies, cakes and other sweets. Why not  try eating more fresh and dried fruits  instead? They are an excellent, tasty and healthy alternative.



Caffeine has several negative effects on the body that are worth mentioning. For example  , it causes hyperactivity in the brain, heart and bladder.

This is why drinking too much coffee  causes the bladder to overwork. Then it worsens the symptoms of an overactive bladder.

However, coffee is not the only common beverage that can increase the amount of urine that the bladder has to excrete on a daily basis. Besides that,  sodas (especially cola), certain types of tea and hot cocoa are also sinners.

Blueberries and citrus fruits

There is no doubt that blueberries are good for your health, your blood and your heart. In addition, they are highly recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes. They are also a good remedy for fighting urinary tract infections.

One of the side effects that they can have is aggravating the symptoms of an overactive bladder. The acid that is in these little berries makes us go to the toilet more often.

Besides that, we should also  avoid citrus or sour drinks, such as orange juice, grapefruit , etc., even though their high content of vitamin C makes them excellent boosters of your immune system.

For those people who suffer from urinary incontinence, these fruits are not recommended. This is because they  contain elements that further irritate the bladder.



In addition, alcohol can have a ton of side effects, especially when drunk in excessive amounts. And since it is a powerful diuretic, one of these effects is that  it irritates the bladder.

For example, every time you drink a beer, you are clearly consuming fluids. At the same time, however, the alcohol that is in beer increases the work that the bladder has to perform. This means that the  bladder must work faster to excrete fluid.

Unlike beer  , a glass of wine a day is recommended for people with an overactive bladder. This is because it does not have the same kidney-stimulating effect as beer. In addition, it has a lot of good benefits for the circuit.


Tomatoes a a very sour fruit. This is why they have a potential detrimental effect on the health of our bladder and urinary tract. In addition, they  contain a large amount of water and have a strong diuretic effect.

If you eat tomatoes cooked, it is even worse,  especially if the tomatoes are ingested in the form of a sauce. This is because many people add sugar to sauces to “mask” the slightly sour taste. As we mentioned above, sugary foods are not recommended for people with incontinence.

A good technique for making a delicious sauce with a low sugar content is to add raw grated carrot. You can also try adding a little bit of cream, milk or even baking soda to the mixture.

All this will help counteract the natural acid in the tomatoes.

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