A Sister Is More Than A Friend. She Is Our Half Heart

Even though you are not always equally good at keeping in touch with your sister, you know that she will always be there for you when it really matters.
A sister is more than a friend.  She is our half heart

 A sister is more than a friend. She is also much more than just family. She is like an unshakable pillar you can always count on. You have shared your childhood with your sister. She was your biggest rival. Her you both envied and admired in secret. She was the person you most often laughed at and quarreled with and played with. She was the one you shared the hectic years of puberty with and the one you hated sharing toys with.

But despite all this, she is now your best support. The many years of cohabitation have taught you how special your bond is.

It is said that one cannot choose his family. That you can only choose your friends.

While this is of course true, your sister is still something very special. The biological connection makes your relationship unique. A good sister is a treasure worth cherishing throughout life.

The bond between two sisters means more than just “family”

Maybe it’s been a while since you talked to your sister. Life sometimes puts us in a strange situation where pride can play a big role. Maybe old disagreements stand in the way of you talking again.   

But despite the distance, the anger and the wounded hearts, it is really hard for us to keep the separation for long. When the day is over, it is our little sister or big sister who guides us in the best possible way.

A phone call, a few laughs, a shared memory and the connection that can never be broken are renewed despite distance and harsh words.

That’s why your sister is so important to you:

Three Sisters

The same upbringing, but with very different personalities

It’s amazing how each sister, despite having the same upbringing and experiencing almost the same things,  ends up being very different from each other.

  • There are the rebellious and reactionary types who teach us to defend our personal space, our right to have a voice and choose what is best for us.
  • Other sisters, on the other hand, radiate oceans of calm that give us comfort and shelter. With their support, we feel heard and understood when we have a bad day.

Siblings never share the same personality. Children are never copies of their parents. Siblings often have very different interests and their own particular reactions to the same things.

This helps siblings to grow as they complement each other in many respects.

When words are unnecessary

You do not have to tell your sister when something is wrong. She knows what’s going on just by looking at your face. When you have lived together for so long and seen each other in all sorts of different situations, you know almost intuitively how each other feels.

Her presence and presence gives you comfort.

Friends and parents are lovely, but your sister understands and just knows how to help you.

Differences and distances do not matter

Your sister can often be your best friend

It does not matter if an entire ocean separates us or we have gone our own ways and formed our own  relationships.

A sister’s concern and interest will always be there. It is natural and almost instinctive. Calls, messages… There will always be a way for them to offer their support with their continued concern for the other half of their heart.

No one tells you the truth like a sister

Years can go by, or be spent together, but you always know that your sister will tell you the truth without hesitation.

  • A sister is never condescending, and she is even less likely to try to reassure us with false generalizations. She knows that sincerity is part of being family, and that is without a doubt what you can always expect from her.
  • A sister will always be more than just a friend because you have been through so much together. The experiences from childhood are sometimes complicated, but it is because of them that you understand each other so well.

If there is some distance between you and your sister right now due to a little discomfort, then swallow your pride. It’s not worth it.

Life is much simpler than we think, and the support of siblings is a special gift we should enjoy every day. 

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