4 Kinds Of Juice That Cleanse One’s Colon

One’s colon is responsible for many things, from absorbing nutrients to helping one’s body excrete waste products. Take care of it with these 4 types of delicious and natural cleansing juices.
4 types of juice that cleanse one's colon

One’s body is bombarded with an infinite amount of harmful foods every day. However, not all organs are affected in the same way. One of the organs that suffers most from unhealthy foods is one’s colon.

One’s colon is responsible for doing many things. One of the most bizarre tasks is to  absorb nutrients. In addition, it has the task of extracting water and salt from waste substances before it is excreted. Overall, it is one of the most important parts of one’s gut.

Because it has these functions, it is an area that is prone to accumulate large amounts of toxins. This can lead to intestinal problems.

Problems with the intestines are not only caused by an unhealthy diet.

There are other relevant things that are also relevant to this topic. For example, being sedentary or having toxin-forming habits can also cause bowel problems.

That said, one should not wait for one’s colon to cleanse itself. It is a good idea to look for alternatives to regularly cleanse your colon.

The best thing is  to find natural remedies. One should also avoid flooding his body with other forms of chemicals. These simply create more serious problems in larger quantities.

Today we will look at some excellent natural ways to cleanse his colon.

Green juice

Disregarding their color, the most important thing about these types of juices is what they contain. Green juice has  an endless list of nutrients, properties and benefits for one’s body.

By having this in mind, one should also take advantage of their wonderful properties to cleanse one’s colon. By doing this one  will also remove the toxins in one’s intestines.

Overall, green drinks are  the most recommended natural options for cleansing this part of one’s body.

1. Juice with carrot and garlic to cleanse one’s colon


In addition, both carrot and garlic are excellent at helping cleanse one’s colon and other intestines. Let’s look at a wonderful recipe that combines the benefits of both ingredients:


  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 medium bunch dill
  • 3 medium bunch parsley
  • 4 leaves romaine lettuce
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Water (to your liking)

Procedure and serving

  • First, rinse all ingredients with water that is either cold or at room temperature.
  • Then pour the water into the blender. Be sure to add the right amount to all the ingredients. The idea is to make sure there are no large pieces left after blending.
  • Then add all the ingredients and blend it all together. Be sure to on on an even mixture.
  • In general, we recommend drinking this green drink  just before breakfast.

2. Juice with green apples for one’s colon

Apples and apple juice

There is also another amazing and tasty recipe for caring for this part of one’s body.


  • 1 green apple
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed
  • 2 tablespoons organic honey
  • 250 ml of water

Procedure and serving

  • First, rinse the ingredients.
  • Then peel the apple and remove the seeds. Cut it into smaller pieces so that it can be blended more easily. Then put it in a blender.
  • Then add flaxseed, honey and water to the blender along with the apple.
  • Then blend for a few minutes until you get an even mixture.
  • We recommend drinking it  just before bedtime. This will help one to clean food out of the system.

3. Juice with spinach to one’s colon

Green smoothie - even colon

Here is another very delicious and nutritious cleansing juice.


  • 2 leaves fresh spinach
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 cup papaya
  • 1 slice of pineapple

Procedure and serving

  • First, rinse the spinach leaves and set aside.
  • Then the grapefruit is peeled, pressed and set aside in a container.
  • Then peel and squeeze the three oranges. Put them aside in a container.
  • Then cut the papaya into smaller pieces. Put it in a blender. Do the same with pineapple.
  • Finally, add spinach, orange juice and grapefruit juice.
  • Blend until you get an even mixture.
  • We recommend that you drink it fresh  at any time during the day.

4. Juice with herbs for one’s colon

Finally, one can try this recipe if one is looking for something with a taste of herbs.


  • 2 large green tomatoes
  • 1/4 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 tablespoon rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon basil
  • 2 small bunch coriander
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 tablespoons parsley

Procedure and serving

  • First, rinse the tomatoes and cilantro.
  • Then peel the cucumber and cut into smaller pieces so that it is easier to blend.
  • Then put all the ingredients in a blender.
  • Finally blend for two minutes until a smooth mixture without lumps is obtained.
  • One can drink this smoothie to care for his colon  at any time during the day.

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