The Best Foods For Better Hair, Skin And Nails

Did you know that carrots, in addition to being excellent at getting the perfect tan, can also help nourish and repair the skin? They naturally promote hair regeneration and growth.
The best foods for better hair, skin and nails

 Our appearance says a lot about our health; When our skin, hair and nails look beautiful, it just shows how healthy we are. In this article you will learn about  the best foods for better hair, skin and nails.

The best foods for better hair, skin and nails

As a first step, you should eat a balanced diet that absolutely does not contain absolutely any kind of fast food or fatty meals. Sure, they are delicious, but they are not good for your health. Recent research shows that a proper diet leads to a healthy body inside and out.

The foods you stuff into your body are important. Your diet should not lack any of the vitamins A, B and C, nor minerals,  Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, biotin or antioxidants. If you want really beautiful hair, skin and nails, you can add the following foods to your diet:

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Salmon

It is one of the healthiest types of fish available. They are grouped in so-called blue fish and should be consumed two to three times a week, to take advantage of the many properties, including its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. They improve the strength and shine of the hair, and in addition provide moisture to your skin. And as if that were not enough, it also contains vitamin B-12, which strengthens the nails.


Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Leafy vegetables

Vegetables like  spinach, kale, cabbage, etc. are great sources of vitamins A, B, C and zinc. These are all necessary nutrients to regenerate the skin and keep it healthy, along with hair and nails. And the good news is that there are all sorts of delicious recipes to try out.

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Beans


They are rich in iron, biotin and proteins. Lentils and kidney beans are also found in this group, and should be part of your diet. Beans are important for strong hair and nails. The biotin they contain helps boost growth.

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Whole grains

Oatmeal, wheat, whole  rice and sprouts. They all contain a good dose of antioxidants to fight free radicals that damage the skin and hair. Whole grains contain silicon, an excellent mineral for growing, strong, healthy hair.

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Nuts

Brazil nuts are best. But if you can not find this variety, do not despair, all forms will work. Nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that improves scalp health  (be careful if you suffer from dandruff). In addition, it is an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and prevents skin cancer. They are a wonderful source of omega-3 fatty acids which, as we have mentioned above, lead to healthy, shiny hair.


Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Parsley

This aromatic herb has a familiar flavor that is used in many recipes. It is an excellent source of calcium, potassium and magnesium. Its mission is more than important:  it keeps blood vessels and tissues (especially capillaries) healthy   It will give you a great looking skin. You can also drink parsley juice (a few stalks of parsley, two cups of water and the juice of a  lemon ) on an empty stomach throughout the day.

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Carrots

They are rich in vitamin A and antioxidants, perfect for repairing and renewing hair and preventing premature aging of the skin. They nourish and repair. Drink carrot juice daily and you will see results in a few weeks.

Carrots And Juice

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Cucumbers

The juice of this vegetable works twice: it helps the hair to grow and prevents it from falling out, thanks to its high content of sulfur and silicon. If you combine it with carrot or celery juice, you will noticeably improve what is referred to as cellular nutrition.

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Alfalfa

It is rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, enzymes, and chlorophyll. Alfalfa is great combined with carrots (grated in a salad, for example). It nourishes the hair and skin, improves cellular regeneration and removes fats and toxins that affect the health of the cuticles.


Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Extra virgin olive oil

As it is rich in vitamin E, it nourishes the skin while protecting the dermis.  It possesses excellent antioxidant properties, and fights premature aging at the cellular level.  Be sure to use only good quality  olive oil.

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Peppers

They can be red, green or yellow; All varieties contain fluorine and silicon, two nutrients that are essential for healthy skin and nails. Add a little carrot juice for best results.

Foods for better hair, skin and nails: Onions

This vegetable should be on hand in any kitchen (They are amazing with potatoes and eggs). They are incredibly good sources of iron, phosphorus, silicon, calcium and potassium. They help keep hair strong and lively, thanks to their cleansing effects on the liver and intestines. Whenever possible,  eat raw onions to get younger and more beautiful skin.


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