Why You Should Drink Water Before Eating

Did you know that a glass of water can help you digest fat better and fight constipation? Learn more in this article!
Therefore, drink water before eating

Did you know that it can be good for you to drink water before eating? A glass of water half an hour before eating is very good for your health.

A little water before the meal is healthy, but one should try not to overdo it. Drinking two or three glasses, for example before eating, makes it harder to digest your food.

The key is to take a few sips of water to promote good digestion.

Another important point has to do with whether it is good to drink water during meals.

It’s actually not about whether or not

Drinking too much while eating can affect your stomach acid. It will be less effective ten to break down food and get rid of any bacteria you may have ingested along with it.

It is not a problem, for example, if you consume a glass of wine with the food.

However, to optimize digestion and take care of your health in your daily life, it is recommended to drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.

Below we will explain all about what this habit can do for your health.

Therefore, drink water before eating

Follow this advice or do not follow this advice: everyone knows how their individual body works and what makes you feel good.

Therefore, you need to learn to listen to your body, understand what changes make it feel more comfortable, and what habits might be best to put aside.

We suggest that you just find out how your body reacts if you follow this simple advice, if you are not already doing so: drink a glass of water or less half an hour before eating.

We’re sure you will not regret it. You have nothing to lose if you try it for 15 days!

A little water before the meal gives energy

Woman jumping and stretching her arms out

Drinking a glass of water before eating gives your body the hydration it needs.

  • A habit as simple as this will promote proper cell function and will give your body the energy it needs to do its most important job: proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • We must not forget that your brain and muscles consist of almost 75% water, while your kidneys and liver consist of approx. 70% water.
  • You need to be careful about keeping this homeostatic balance by regulating what you lose and what you consume. That said, remember what we said above does not mean you have to drink two glasses of water in a row.

Doing it half an hour before eating time is the best time.

It encourages weight loss

We have all heard at one time or another that if you drink a glass of water before eating you will lose weight. They say you want to lose weight because your stomach gets filled with water and you will not be near as hungry.

Take these claims with a grain of salt. Filling your stomach with water before a meal to fool your hunger can be very dangerous.

We recommend drinking only one glass or even just half a glass of water.

This way you will “encourage” weight loss based on these basic effects:

  • Improving digestion.
  • Digestion and elimination of fat much better.
  • Fighting constipation.
  • Have a much cleaner body.

Here’s an extra tip: Add a little lemon juice to your water. You will have a great time!

Your skin will look much better

Woman with wrinkles on forehead

Drinking water is good for your inner health as well as your outer health – your skin.

  • If you get used to drinking the purest calcium-free water you can find, you will want to make sure your body sees the benefits of the most powerful detoxification out there: water.
  • The oxygen you get from water helps keep your skin elastic and toned.

Likewise, if you drink this glass of water before eating, you will digest your food better and thus absorb more vitamins, minerals and oxygen.

All this promotes the regeneration of the skin cell.

It is always healthy to drink water especially before eating

Woman sitting in bed stretching her arms

It is good to drink water before meals, but water is generally healthy at all times during the day:

  • When you get up in the morning : Drink some water to rehydrate.
  • Before taking a bath: Drink some water to lower your blood pressure.
  • Before bedtime: Drink something to replace the fluid you lost at night.

Treat your body properly by drinking water before meals. A little bit can make a big difference.

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