8 Natural Ways To Strengthen Your Bones

When you train with weights, you strengthen your bones and it helps you avoid the risk of osteoporosis and possible fractures of the bones.
8 natural ways to strengthen your bones

Have you ever wondered if you need to strengthen your bones? Have you thought about what is a good age to start doing? The human body contains 206 bones that vary in length, width and function, which together make up your skeleton.

Surprised? Today we would like to tell you a little more about this topic.

Your bones are connected by joints that allow them to move. They are separated by cartilage, which prevents them from rubbing against each other and getting worn down.

In general, the main functions of your skeleton include:

  • To support all your body weight
  • To allow a natural, easy movement
  • To protect your vital organs that lie behind or under them

Taking into account the importance of your skeletal system, it is clear that it is important to take care of it, and follow the right advice to keep your bones strong and healthy. Fortunately, there are some completely natural options that will help you achieve this goal:

1. Eat vegetables to strengthen your bones

Eat vegetables to strengthen your bones

In general, vegetables are a great way to strengthen your bones, and maintain good health. In addition, vitamin C promotes the production of bone-forming cells. The antioxidant effect of this vitamin can remedy, and even repair the damage already present in your skeletal system.

When you eat vegetables, you give your body the opportunity to increase your bone density. The greater your bone density, the less likely you are to experience problems such as osteopenia and osteoporosis.

2. Eat enough protein

If you do not eat enough protein, the percentage of calcium absorbed by your bones begins to decrease. So always remember to be careful about getting nop protein. However, you should still eat it in moderation because too much of it can also complicate the effort to strengthen your bones.

It is estimated that about 100 grams of protein a day can benefit:

  • Maintains bone mass especially during menopause
  • Reduces the risk of fractures due to old age

Eat foods rich in calcium


Daily intake of these foods is the key to strengthening your bones. This is because calcium is one of the most important minerals that make up your bone structure.

  • The most effective way to absorb calcium is to consume it throughout the day through various foods.
  • Although it is possible to take calcium supplements, they may not be as well absorbed by the body.

If you use only a fraction of the calcium you need in a day, it may not be enough and it can cause problems in the long run.

4. Get enough vitamin D.

This vitamin helps your body absorb and fix calcium in your bones. You can get vitamin D by eating fish, liver, cheese or by exposure to sunlight.

However, many people still lack this vitamin, and need to take supplements to maintain optimal levels.

A great way to strengthen your bones is to take a 30-minute walk every day in the park. Just be sure to apply sunscreen to avoid getting burned.

5. Avoid restrictive, low-calorie diets

In addition to slowing down your metabolism, these types of diets reduce muscle mass, and increase your anxiety level. At the same time, they negatively affect your bone structure because your bone density gets worse.

When trying to lose weight, it is important that you maintain a varied and balanced diet so that you can still strengthen your bones at the same time.

This means that you need to consume a good dose of vegetables with protein, and a small proportion of healthy fats.

6. Collagen to strengthen your bones

collagen to strengthen your bones

There is scientific evidence to support the benefits of taking this supplement to help strengthen your bones because it is one of the main components of proteins in the body.

People who have arthritis already know that ingesting gelatin or collagen helps reduce the pain associated with this disease.

7. Eat foods rich in magnesium and zinc

In addition to calcium, you will also find magnesium and zinc in your bones. In conjunction with vitamin D , magnesium also promotes the absorption of calcium, for example.

Therefore, zinc improves the formation of bone marrow cells and prevents excessive loss of bone density. So to achieve this mineral you should add the following to your diet:

  • Spinach
  • Prawns
  • Flax seeds or pumpkin seeds
  • Red meat

8. Weight training

Weight training is very effective in improving bone density and reducing the triggers for inflammation and pain.

This type of exercise not only increases your muscle mass – it also helps strengthen your bones. Therefore, when teens and young adults exercise using weights, it improves the strength and mass of their bones.

It is easy to strengthen your bones

Now you know that it is not that hard to keep your bones strong and healthy. Just remember to implement certain foods in your diet plan, and get plenty of exercise to increase bone density. The result is that by implementing these small changes in your life, you have a lower risk of developing osteoporosis and bone fractures later in life.

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