7 Signs That You Are In An Unhappy Relationship

Communication with your partner is key. If you do not feel you can share your problems with your partner, things may have already taken a turn for the worse.
7 signs that you are in an unhappy relationship

 Being in a relationship can make you feel complete, and motivated to face all the challenges of your daily life. This is especially true when you can maintain the “spark” of love and passion that is usually present for the first few months. Read about the 7 signs that you are in an unhappy relationship.

But time always works against us, and if you both slip into a monotonous relationship, you may feel that you are not getting the same thing you once did from your union. This is why so many  couples today end up going wrong over and over again, without understanding why.  

Staying in a relationship that does not make you happy is a misunderstanding and if you are not careful, it can  prevent you from living life to the fullest and finding the kind of love that makes you happier.

There are certain attitudes and feelings that become noticeable when the love is about to run out or you are no longer happy as a couple. It is very important to know how to recognize these signs of an unhappy relationship –  it can lead to you being able to stop the relationship or do something to make love flare up again.  

7 Signs of an unhappy relationship

You no longer need a physical or emotional connection

Are you in an unhappy relationship?

Do you have problems communicating as usual? Have you lost your desire for your partner?  Is the devotion absent? When these things start to happen, it is a clear sign of a weakening or a tired relationship.

The loss of the physical and emotional connection, even in intimate moments, shows that you are no longer  happy  as a couple.

2. You compare your present with your past

Most couples can agree that their first weeks or months were the most exciting when passions were high and there was the initial excitement at the conquest.

But you can not pretend that it is always that way, because you will surely find a comfort zone where  the only way to get away is to make the decision to make change.

If, on the other hand, you wish your partner was the way he or she was back in the beginning, this is the start of one of many signs of an unhappy relationship in the present, and may need more attention from the one you love.

3. You expect your partner to change


Falling into the trap that you think a person will change nature and adapt to what you expect of them is a serious misunderstanding that can ruin a relationship. 

If you fell in love with them the way they are, then why would you want to change them now? If this happens, it’s likely that you’ll both be happier with one another.

4. There is no communication

Losing the desire to confide in your partner is one of the biggest signs of an unhappy relationship, and is practically a death sentence for the couple. Communication is one of the keys to a happy and healthy relationship and when you lose that quality it can lead to countless problems.

Do you no longer feel comfortable sharing your feelings? Do you spend time with each other and hardly talk to each other? Do you find your partner boring? A positive answer to any of these questions is a clear sign that you are dissatisfied.

5. Everything they say and do irritates you


It does not matter if it is done with the best of intentions. You find your partner annoying and you end up getting angry at him / her.

It is something that can cause the relationship to end in a very sour tone. If to that extent you do not agree with their way of being,  it is time to take a step back and think about what you want from a life partner.

6. You avoid each other

Your partner may call you, ask you to go places, or try to find an excuse to be with you… but you are looking for an excuse to avoid them.

When you lose interest in spending time together and prefer to participate in other activities such as spending time with friends, watching TV or just being yourself, you may be unhappy in the relationship. 

7. Do not make an effort to improve things even if you are clearly in an unhappy relationship

If your relationship has taken a downturn and you are both unhappy, there are two options.  Close this chapter of your life, or fight to revive and rediscover the connection you once had.

But if you do not feel you want efforts to fight, it is a sign that it is time to end your  relationship.

Are you in an unhappy relationship?

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