7 Billion People On Earth … And You’re Just One Of Them

We live in a time when our planet is overpopulated. There are 7 billion people on Earth and you are just one of them. You are indispensable in the big picture. No one notices what you do with your life – so do what you love and be happy on your own terms.
7 billion people on Earth ... And you're just one of them

7 billion people on Earth… And you’re just one of them. It is a painful moment for most people when it dawns on them that they are not indispensable.

Although we do not want to admit it, we all want to feel like heroes. We love to know that we are important and indispensable. That someone will miss us when we are not here anymore.

We are all human and we are all unique. But none of us are indispensable. Once you truly understand what that entails, you will realize that it is not a bad thing. You will realize that insignificance can give us the freedom to do what we most desire.

We can do without… And that’s good!

People need meaningful, deep relationships. Once you have found a person who knows you, supports you and loves you, then you matter to that person.
If you have children or other family, this bond is even stronger. You may not be anything special worldwide, but you are something very special to these people.

However, love does not mean that we own each other. None of us belong to anyone.  And you do not have to belong to anyone else.

Everyone is free. But the idea of ​​ownership and indispensability can sometimes create major problems for our sense of self-worth and the way we treat other people. Remember that we can do without and that we can do without others even when we are in a relationship with someone we love. It’s a good thing to be able to do without!

Think, for example, of a time when someone filled your life and you thought you were indispensable to them. When things stopped, your whole world collapsed.

Was it the end of the world? No, life went on and you found that you can stand on your own two feet.

And it is at that moment that you became aware that  the other person was not indispensable and that you were not either !

You need to know when it’s time to say goodbye

Woman saying goodbye to birds - 7 billion people

Do you sometimes find it difficult to let go of something? Maybe you attach great importance to your own indispensability!

Imagine a  mother  or father who thinks they are indispensable to their child. They do not realize when it’s time to let them fly from the nest . In Instead of doing something good for them, they end up harming them.

The same thing happens with countless other relationships in our lives. Sometimes your own need to be indispensable to someone makes you selfish, and it keeps you from seeing that it’s actually time to say goodbye. It’s time to dump her and move on.

Romantic  relationships sometimes result in horrible situations. You need to get out of it. No one is indispensable and you yourself are no exception to this rule.

You think there will  always be someone who needs you. You can give a supportive hand to someone who really needs it.

But you have to understand that people will come into your life, you will step into other people’s lives, and they will, and you will leave them at some point.

You are indispensable to yourself

Do you know who you really are indispensable to? Who will always need you? The answer is yourself. Only you are indispensable to yourself. You are the only person who will never leave you.

You will always be there and you will always be your own best friend.

That’s why it’s so important to trust yourself and love yourself. You have to accept yourself as you are. When you understand that you are not indispensable to others, you will not feel so bad about it! You have yourself and you have to make yourself satisfied and happy.

Sometimes it’s easy to feel more important when other people need and love you. But why do you put so much emphasis on what others think? Trust that they can manage on their own, in the same way that you can.

The first person you should love is yourself. The first person you can trust is yourself.

Cultivate your own love first and do not let your own happiness depend on the illusion of indispensability. 

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