6 Essential Vitamins You Need

Certain vitamins should be a high priority if you want your body to stay healthy and strong. Lack of these nutrients can cause serious health problems.
6 essential vitamins you need

You need to eat a healthy, balanced diet to give your body and your brain the best conditions. Vitamins are absolutely necessary for many different chemical processor in the body. Today we would like to tell you about 6 essential vitamins you need.

Essential vitamins that your body needs

Vitamin C

Fruit and vegetables.

Getting enough vitamin C is very important, especially in the winter when the cold weather lowers your immune system. Vitamin C helps prevent colds and flu because it acts as an antioxidant.

A vitamin C deficiency will prevent your body from preparing healthy cells to defend itself against viruses and bacteria. Of course, consuming vitamin C will not guarantee that you will not get sick, but it will help reduce your risk.

  • Some foods with large amounts of vitamin C are citrus fruits, such as oranges and kiwis.

Vitamin A

If you do not have enough vitamin A in your body, you have vision problems. That is why vitamin A is famous for being “good for your eyes”. In addition, this drug is an antioxidant with the power to keep the immune system in good shape. You can find it in:

Two children.
  • Animal fats
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Peaches
  • Peppers

Folic acid

Tired woman.

One thing that folic acid (vitamin B9) does for your body is to prevent anemia. This disease involves prolonged fatigue but can be prevented. To ensure that you get enough folic acid, include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet. We recommend strawberries and mangoes.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is needed for healthy nerves and blood cells. It helps your body properly produce energy and creates DNA.

When you are old, your stomach does not break down the proteins as efficiently, nor does your body absorb the vitamin. It is therefore advisable to monitor your vitamin B12 levels as you get older. In particular, your risk of vitamin B12 deficiency begins to grow at age 50.

  • Some of the foods that provide good amounts of vitamin B12 are fish, meat, eggs and dairy.
  • If you eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, you are at greater risk for vitamin B12 deficiency, but it can also be found in grains.

D vitamin

Another necessity in your diet is the famous vitamin D. It is a requirement for good bone health and proper calcium absorption. In addition, low vitamin D levels have often been associated with an increased risk of heart disease and cancer. This fabric is unique because you can get it by being in the sun. In fact, the sun is our main source of vitamin D.

People who are most vulnerable to a vitamin D deficiency are those who:

  • live in cities with high levels of pollution.
  • Wear clothes with more coverage.
  • have more pigmentation in their skin.
Woman in the sun.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is one of the most essential vitamins for the body. It plays a role in about 200 biochemical reactions in your body. You can therefore see why it is so important to get enough of it in your diet. Areas that will be affected if you do not:

  • Sleep
  • Appetite
  • Mood
  • Cognitive abilities
  • The immune system
  • Production of red blood cells

Having low levels of vitamin B6 is not common. Still, it is a good idea to make sure you are eating enough by eating meat, whole grains and nuts.

Now you know: These are some of the vitamins that you really will not lack in your diet, nutrients that will seriously affect important processes in your body if you do not get enough. Everything from colds to heart disease, vitamins help protect your body and perform hundreds of necessary chemical reactions.

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