5 Things People Think Before They Die

It would be tragic if you felt sorry for yourself in your last moments. Try to change the way you think and act, and be true to yourself – do not be the way others want you to be.
5 things people think before they die

In this article we will talk about 5 things people think before they die. People sometimes sacrifice the present in order to prepare for the future. This is one of the primary causes that can lead to them feeling like they are wasting their lives. Where they fall into a thought pattern called  “just in case”. And   “That’s what needs to be done now so I can do something else in the future .”

Things people think before they die

But it is a high price to pay for such a small benefit. Do not let yourself worry that you are ruining your future by enjoying the day today, especially when you do not know when you might run out of time.

Usually, you might not think about these things until it’s too late. Or before your life implodes for one reason or another, leaving you with chaos and trouble.
Many years ago, a nurse named Bronnie Ware, who dedicated her life to caring for the terminally ill, revealed a different way of looking at her own life. By sharing  five of the most common thoughts, reflections or sorrows of people who were on their deathbed.

The truth is that by reading these you are forced to think about the way you can evaluate what you are close to losing forever. And understand man’s incredible ability to feel remorse.

But the most amazing thing is  the ability we have to keep growing until we take our last breath.

Ascend to the sky

Warning: These are bittersweet thoughts and dreams, filled with both the feeling of hope, and a desire to look ahead. But also the sadness of not being able to learn these things while there was still time for it. Let ‘s look at the most common pre-death regrets that Nurse Ware revealed:

1. Things people think before they die

“I wish I had the courage to live a life where I was true to myself. And not just did what others expected of me ”

Being yourself in a world full of limitations is not easy.  But if you stop and think about the little time you have to get to know yourself and become the person you want to be, you may feel uncomfortable about fashion.

What happens is that this thought has been avoided all your life, and has been locked away in your head. Your life passes you by  while you are organizing and making other plans.

According to Nurse Ware, this is the biggest regret for the dying. The vast majority of us have a huge list of unfulfilled dreams, goals that we find unattainable, or things that we assume are just not within our reach. Is that really the truth, or can you change it? We believe the answer is obvious.

2. Things people think before they die

“I wish I had not worked so hard”

The daily drumming, the stress, the need to work and make more money, either to spend or pay off on debt. We live to work when we should actually work to live.

And while it is pretty idealistic to say, in a perfect world we would invest our hearts and souls in the work we choose, without stress or pain.

This means that work would not be so great a headache, or obstacle to being able to enjoy the small joys of life. Such as spending time with friends and family.

This regret means that it is time to simplify the way you live and learn to be happy with what you have. Making this change will mean that you will not have to worry about your decisions when you are on your deathbed.

Finger painting

3. Things people think before they die

“I wish I had the courage to express my feelings”

In order to find peace in yourself, you must discover the strength you have within you. How many times have you been quiet because you were scared? How many words have you failed to say due to pride, stubbornness, or anger?

It is irresponsible and unnatural to hide your feelings. It is necessary to experience and live them.

4. Things people think before they die

“I wish I had kept in touch with my friends”

Lack of time, quarrels and life changes are all things that can create distance between you and your friends. Keeping friends can be a difficult task, but it is an important part of who you are that you need to maintain.

Even when you take your last breath, you may regret that it is too late to tell someone what you have always wanted to say because you did not keep in touch. It is these people you will always have in your heart, loving memories mixed with sorrow.

Two hands reaching out one after the other

5. Things people think before they die

“I wish I had known true happiness”

In the eternal search for happiness, many people risk wasting their time on the road. You may think that your happiness depends on how much you achieve, but you do not understand that joy is not a destination: it is an attitude.

In the final moments before death occurs, some people discover that the path to happiness would have been to make difficult decisions that would ultimately have allowed them to live their lives to the fullest.

To conclude this discussion, we have gathered some insights that Nurse Ware found thoughtful, and also worth sharing:

“People grow a lot when confronted with their own mortality (…) I never learned to underestimate a person’s ability to grow. Some changes were phenomenal.

Each person experienced a host of emotions as expected: Denial, fear, anger, regret, more denial, and eventually acceptance. Each patient found their inner peace before moving on. ”

In a way, this creates hope and security when we are confronted with the fear of death. Just the belief that you have grown and accepted your own path in life can provide comfort in the end. ”

By that I mean that  life is not just what you think it is or what you have created. Life is what happens right now, even when you consider your past and your future, which cannot be predicted from your present.

Maybe you should stop focusing on expecting everything in your path, and  enjoy the roles that fate and opportunity play in your daily life.

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