5 Signs That Your Girlfriend Is Caught In A Violent Relationship

Abused women tend to hide their situation due to fear or shame, so we need to keep our eyes open for subtle signs that may indicate that they are being abused.
5 signs that your girlfriend is caught in a violent relationship

Is your girlfriend, sister or mother caught in a violent relationship? Women with violent partners react in a certain way to different situations in everyday life. In this article, you can read about possible ways to identify when a person is trapped in such a relationship and what you can do about it.

5 signs that your girlfriend is caught in a violent relationship

1. Dog tries to cover his skin

Some women increase to hide marks from blows with makeup

While many women are victims of mental abuse, others are physically abused, and sometimes bruises appear in visible areas.

If they suddenly start wearing makeup when they normally do not, or behave strangely if you ask them to show you their arm, shoulder or any other part of their body, it is possible that they are being abused.

How can you identify it? If you experience anxiety or worry in their attempt to hide their skin or a defensive or aggressive reaction.

2. She expects to be abused

Abused women live in a constant state of readiness, to deter the person who abuses them from becoming angry or dissatisfied.

Abused women try to avoid their abusers getting angry

For example, they sometimes avoid asking them about certain things. Or they can say things like, “I can not go out with you because my boyfriend does not like it.” Or “He works so much that he wants to spend the little time he has with me”.

We see a lack of confidence here, a neglect of her own needs and a need to be in constant submission to her partner’s desires.

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3. She hides information about their lives

In addition, people who abuse others isolate their partner from their friends and family. And when they have time with others, abused women hide a lot of information and make excuses. That way, they do not have to tell what is really going on.

Every time they are in a conversation and someone starts asking them about their life, they respond superficially and try to change the subject quickly.

This causes them to live in stress and anxiety. They are careful with every word they say in case their partner finds out and gets angry at them.

4. She is always in a defensive position

Just as they hide parts of their body, abused women become frightened and frightened when others touch them or touch them.

Abused women are always in a defensive position

For example, touching their arm can make them go up, as if they are always expecting an attack they will have to defend against.

You can see this when someone raises their arm. Suddenly, the abused woman can cover her face as if someone was going to hit her.

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5. She feels responsible for everything

Abused women feel they are the culprits. They often think they deserve to be beaten by their partner. This is transferred to other areas of their lives. In general, they tend to take on guilt and responsibility that do not belong to them at all.

An attitude like this means very low self-esteem and a tendency to always show a submissive attitude.

There are various options for help

These women are very fragile. Helping them is often quite difficult and sometimes impossible as they think they deserve what is happening to them. Their self-esteem is so low that they end up hurting themselves by doing nothing.

But knowing what to look for will help you not to judge. Do not be harsh towards a person who is already low down and going through a very hard time in his life.

Abuse is still very much present in our society. But there are more and more ways to get help for women who are trying to get out of a violent relationship.

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