5 Means To Reduce Muscle Fatigue

Physical exercise and health problems can cause muscle fatigue. However, there are some remedies you can use to reduce it. It is important to reduce muscle fatigue so that you can continue with your daily activities.
5 means to reduce muscle fatigue

Maybe you just started at the gym. Maybe you did not sleep well. Or, maybe you have used your muscles more than you usually do. In any case, it is important to know how to reduce muscle fatigue so that you do not have to spend all day on having pain.

Today, we will show you how to reduce muscle fatigue.

What Causes Muscle Fatigue?

Sometimes, the alarm clock will ring and it feels like you can not get out of bed. When you try, any movement will feel impossible and it will require a lot of energy. If so, you are probably suffering from muscle fatigue.

Muscle fatigue is  not always caused by poor movement or excessive, hard work. Sometimes, it can be due to something known as “chronic fatigue syndrome”, which mainly affects women.

Another cause is weakening of the immune system or even certain diseases, such as muscle wasting disease or inflammatory myopathy.

Of course, we can not ignore the possibility of  arthritis and osteoarthritis because they can also cause muscle fatigue.

Women who have been through menopause, or who are going through menopause, may not have enough calcium in their bodies. Deficiency of this mineral stimulates muscle contractions and can cause pain or fatigue.

How to reduce muscle fatigue

woman drinking water

If your muscles are exhausted due to exercise or strenuous effort, it is important that you give your muscles time to rest and recover. You must wait between 24 and 48 hours before training again.

During this time, try to  sleep well and not perform any physical activities. Instead of exercising, try stretching your muscles for 15 seconds while breathing.

When your muscles are exhausted due to exercise, you can try the technique with ice and heat for 10 minutes. This will work if there is no inflammation. However, if you have inflammation, it is best to simply apply ice.

Food is also important to help you reduce muscle fatigue: Eat foods that contain complex proteins, such as legumes, dairy products and meat.

That way, you will ingest amino acids that will help you recover. And, of course, do not forget to stay hydrated. As you have probably read before, drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.

Home remedies to reduce muscle fatigue

If your muscles are very exhausted, you may want to try a natural remedy. These natural remedies will help you increase your energy, and help your body recover. Be aware of the following options that we are going to show you.

1. Smoothie with oatmeal, banana and honey

It is very important to eat carbohydrates because they  nourish the body and can prevent or reduce muscle fatigue. 

You can drink this smoothie, made with oatmeal, banana and honey, for breakfast, post-workout or in the morning. It will help you reduce muscle fatigue.


  • 1 banana (60-80 g)
  • 3 tsp. honey (15 g)
  • 100 g oatmeal flakes

Course of action

  • Let the oatmeal soak in warm water for a few minutes.
  • Then put them in a blender, along with the banana and honey.
  • Blend the ingredients until you have an even consistency.
  • Bon appetite!

2. Shake with spinach, melon and grapes

This is  the perfect shake against muscle fatigue. Spinach strengthens tissues, and is rich in calcium. Melon is very hydrating, absorbed quickly and has many vitamins and minerals. Regarding grapes, they are rich in magnesium, potassium and several antioxidants that improve physical performance.


  • 10 grapes
  • 250 ml of water
  • A handful of raw spinach leaves
  • 150 g melon

Course of action

  • Wash the spinach well.
  • Cut the melon into small pieces, and put all the ingredients in a blender.
  • Drink it in the morning. It is best to  drink it on an empty stomach. 

3. Ginger

This root has a very special aroma and taste and it will help you say goodbye to muscle pain. In addition to adding it to your dishes (such as salads, cakes or soups), we can also recommend drinking it as a tea.


  • 1 slice of ginger root or 3 tsp. crushed ginger (15 g)
  • 250 ml of water

Course of action

  • Add ginger to a cup of water and bring to a boil.
  • Let it cook for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the root and drink the tea while it is still hot, as long as it does not burn you. Try to drink it before going to bed.

4. Maca powder

powder on spoon

Maca is another root that is originally from South America. It has refreshing properties and a high content of vitamin B. You can get it in many different ways, but we recommend using maca powder. This powder can be added to either fruit juice, bread with cheese or a smoothie.

  • To take advantage of its benefits, you should  consume between 1 and 3 tablespoons a day.
  • If you take it daily,  skip 1 day a week. 

5. Ginseng to reduce muscle fatigue

Another natural remedy that will help you reduce muscle fatigue can be found in the form of pills or a dry root. By the latter, you can use it to make a tea that will give you a good amount of minerals and vitamins that will  help your muscles recover. 


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon chopped ginseng root
  • Optional: 5 tsp. honey (25 g)

Course of action

  • To make ginseng, chop one gram of the root, and mix it well with a cup of boiling water.
  • After letting it soak for five minutes, drink it  as hot as possible (without burning yourself!). 
  • You can sweeten it with a little honey.

Talk to your doctor if you suffer from muscle fatigue

If you frequently experience muscle fatigue, talk to your doctor. He or she will help you decide what is going on and how you can deal with it properly.

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