5 Homemade Solutions To Fight Lice

Lice are an unpleasant, small animal that lives on human blood to survive. And then they almost always prefer to attack children.
5 homemade solutions to fight lice

Lice generally thrive in overcrowded environments with poor hygiene practices. They  are able to jump from one person to the next by direct contact. But the truth is, everyone is at risk of getting lice in their homes. Because lice do not discriminate and can choose any person to create a good habitat. In today’s post you get 5 homemade solutions to fight lice.

Lice are not a major threat to the people they affect, but they are very unpleasant and can cause discomfort as well as extreme itching, irritation, and even bacterial infections. Fortunately , there are a large amount of homemade solutions to fight lice and prevent them from spreading to other people.

5 homemade solutions to fight lice

Homemade solutions tend to be the best alternative to get rid of lice because they have no side effects and are completely safe. It is true that there are many lice shampoos available, but these products contain toxic ingredients that can affect your health or cause  skin irritation. In fact , most products warn that they should not be used for a long time because they can have side effects.

It is a healthy and effective solution to get rid of lice with homemade solutions as it can make it easier to remove the annoying critters. Although you may need to be more persistent when using it. The results will be amazing and you do not have to worry about this problem again.

Mayonnaise and vinegar

Mayonnaise and vinegar

Mayonnaise and wine vinegar are two allies to get rid of lice and fleas. This treatment is really special because, in addition to helping you get rid of this annoying attack, it will also help give your hair shine and moisture.   

Here’s how you do it:

Mix mayonnaise and wine vinegar in the ratio 2: 1 in a container and add a few drops of essential tea tree oil. Stir all the ingredients well together and apply the paste all over your hair and scalp. Let it sit for a few hours and rinse your hair with warm water. Comb your hair through with a lice comb.

Eucalyptus tea

The smell of eucalyptus can be very irritating to lice  and it will have a very powerful effect when it comes in direct contact with them.

Here’s how you do it:

Boil a good amount of water, add eucalyptus leaves and let stand for 15 minutes. Then put this  herbal tea  in your hair and scalp and remove the lice with a comb.

Apple cider vinegar


This readily available product makes a powerful effort to put an end to the annoying lice. Remember that if there are too many lice, or if they are very large, it may not have a 100% effect. However, its use can reduce them significantly.

Here’s how you do it:

Mix hot water and apple cider vinegar  equally of each and put it in dry hair.

Oil mixture

A blend of essential oils can be good for getting rid of lice because it helps to make them smooth while nourishing the hair at the same time. You can mix coconut, jasmine, anise, geranium or other oils. Then apply it all over your hair and scalp. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes and see how much easier it becomes to remove the lice using a comb.



Rosemary, one of the best herbs for your hair because it cleanses in depth, strengthens it and stimulates its growth. This plant is also one of the amazing homemade solutions to fight lice because it has a strong effect against them.

Here’s how you do it:

Make a rosemary tea with boiling water and some of its dried leaves. When this is cold, it is smeared all over your hair and scalp. As in the above case, it is best to use a lice comb or comb with thin teeth to facilitate the removal of these lice and eggs.

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