2 Ways To Make Essential Lemon Oil

In addition to the fact that this fruit has a high content of vitamin C, it also contains numerous flavonoids that enhance the effects of this vitamin and at the same time ensure that it is not broken down.
2 ways to make essential lemon oil

Lemon is a citrus fruit that has been used in culinary arts since ancient times to combat certain medicinal conditions. It can be used in: Juices, cakes, herbal infusions and even essential oil, like essential lemon oil.

However, it acts as a powerful antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals. Lemon is also recommended for the following reasons:

  • It protects eyesight
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Arouses appetite
  • Accelerates digestion
  • Improves your cardiovascular system

This underscores how healthy this fruit is. Lemon is good and below you will see how essential lemon oil can be used.

It acts as a stimulant, sedative, carminative, anti-infective, astringent, cleansing, antiseptic, disinfectant, sleep aid and it contains anti-fungal properties. It also helps to combat:

  • Stress
  • Fever
  • Asthma
  • Obesity
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Skin problems
  • Hair problems
  • Stomach problems

You can make your own products with these 2 ways to make essential lemon oil. You can use it when you need it. That way you get the benefit of all the properties of the lemon.

Make essential lemon oil

First option

Essential oil

For anyone who likes the smell of lemon and also being near its scent, essential oil will be great to spray around the house. You can even use it as a perfume or Eau De Cologne.

But few people have the right machinery to make this type of oil. Therefore, the following tips will show you how to make your own essential lemon oil easily and cheaply. At the same time, it will require only a few ingredients.


  • Olive oil (200ml)
  • Almond oil (200ml)
  • 6 lemons without pesticides or other special treatment (200g)
  • 1 glass container with a tight lid (must be able to hold approx. 500ml)


  • Peel the lemons and let the peel dry in the oven (50 degrees) for approx. 3 hours.
  • Put the dried lemon peel in the glass container and fill it with the oils.
  • Leave the container in a dry and dark place for approx. 50 days, be sure to shake it, once in a while.
  • When the time is up, remove the lemon peel and strain the oil.
  • Eventually you can get it into drip bottles. Every time you want to smell the lemon scent, just get about 5 drops in an essential oil burner.

Second option

Glass with oil and a lemon in a bowl

The citrus essence captures us and brings us back to childhood memories. Not only because of the famous odor, but also because it has a powerful anti-septic effect, making it very useful in times of infections.

Here’s another quick and easy way to make your own essential lemon oil. Your home will have an elegant scent while keeping you and your family healthy.


  • 3 lemons (100g)
  • Olive oil (100ml)
  • 1 zipper bag or a tight container that can withstand high temperatures.


  • Start by boiling some hot water for later
  • Peel the lemons
  • Remove the fiber from the lemon peel. The yellow part is what to use.
  • Afterwards, soak the lemon peel in hot water to remove the sour taste. Let it stand for about 1 minute.
  • During that time, take the zipper bag or container, place it in a pan and fill it halfway with virgin olive oil.
  • When the minute is over, you will notice that the peel has turned the water yellow. Take out the peel, put them in the oil-filled bag or container and close it.
  • Now heat the bag or container using a water bath. The steam will boil it and it will be well mixed which in turn will create your essential lemon oil. Leave it for 2-3 hours.
  • After the time has elapsed, take it off the flame and leave it for another 24 hours.
  • The next day you can put it in a container with a lid and store it in a fresh and dry area.

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