10 Tips To Cleanse Your Liver

Did you know that one of the best ways to cleanse your liver is to drink plenty of water? In this way, you also cleanse the kidneys at the same time.
10 tips to cleanse your liver

Your liver is one of the most important organs in the body because it performs many bodily functions that are necessary for health. This vital organ cleanses the body,  by removing the waste products that accumulate, and needs to be eliminated in order for the other organs in the body to function as they should.

Although it is the liver that cleanses the body, it also sometimes even needs to be cleansed in order to function properly. If you eat too much ready-made food, drink alcohol, expose yourself to chemical products or pollution and much more, this can cause the liver to become overloaded so that it does not function as it normally would. When these waste products begin to accumulate in the liver, it can lead to other health problems. 

Here we give you some good advice on how to naturally  cleanse your liver.

Lemon juice

Drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice every day to keep the liver clean and improve digestion. A glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach is all you need to do to get rid of the waste products that accumulate in the liver, and at the same time it improves metabolism, promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation.


Avocado good for your liver

Avocado is known all over the world as an incredibly beneficial tool in terms of both health and beauty. It is considered to be one of the best vegetables in terms of getting healthy fats, and in addition, avocado also helps protect the liver. A Japanese study has shown that avocado protects the liver from waste products such as galactosamine.


Turmeric is a spice that works anti-inflammatory. It can prevent cancer and also promotes the health of the liver. In addition to cleansing the liver in a natural way, this spice can also give the metabolism a boost.

Drink more water

Cold water

One of the best ways to cleanse your liver is to drink six to eight glasses of mineral water a day. This also helps cleanse the kidneys and can even help a weight loss along the way. It is important to stay hydrated and the best way to do this is by drinking plenty of fluids. There are lots of great benefits to drinking water and it is essential for anyone who wants to cleanse his liver.

Avoid processed foods

Refined flour, sugar and other processed foods should be avoided at all costs as the liver converts these foods into fat and cholesterol. The fat can begin to build up around the abdomen, on the buttocks, thighs, back and in other regions of the body. A high level of triglycerides, which many refined foods contain, is also related to a higher risk of heart attack.

Dandelion root


One of the many things that dandelion root  can be used for is to cleanse the liver. In fact,  dandelion root has been shown to have been a therapeutic solution to liver problems throughout our history. It is best to drink it as tea.


A small clove of garlic is packed with medicinal properties that strengthen the immune system and protect the body against viruses and bacteria. Garlic also contains sulfur which improves liver function by activating certain enzymes.

Brussel sprouts

Brussels sprouts may not be most people’s favorite vegetable. However, the small round cabbages are packed to the brim with health-promoting elements that one should definitely utilize. One of the most important healthy elements in Brussels sprouts is its content of glucosinolates. It is a sulfur substance that protects the body from harmful chemicals and waste products and at the same time breaks them down.

Green tea


It has been proven that drinking green tea helps to naturally cleanse the liver, just as it protects the liver from alcohol damage, tumors and hepatitis. Green tea has a high content of catechins, which makes it a natural protection against cancer. The tea also helps break down the fat that has accumulated in the liver.

How to cleanse your liver

When too much waste products and fats accumulate in the liver, it is really important to give it a little extra help so that it can return to its optimal performance of cleansing the body and preventing health problems. Here we give you a delicious recipe for a cleansing smoothie, which is perfect for cleansing the liver, improving digestion and for losing weight.

What you need:

  • To aloe vera blade
  • Lemon juice
  • A mint stalk
  • A teaspoon of turmeric
  • Half a liter of cold water

Here’s how you do it:

Scrape out the contents of the two aloe vera leaves and put it in a blender along with the other ingredients. Blend it all together until all the ingredients are completely mixed together to a homogeneous mass. Drink this smoothie on an empty stomach to get the best effect.

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