10 Easy Ways To Heal Your Liver

Artichokes are super healthy, as is the water they were boiled in. Both are good for cleansing the liver and from harmful fat cells.
10 Easy Ways To Heal Your Liver

Why do you need to heal your liver? The liver is seen as the perfect laboratory capable of performing dozens of functions to maintain our health and well-being. So in today’s article we will talk about 10 different ways you can heal your liver!

It filters toxins and dead cells, metabolizes fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It cleanses the blood and stores essential vitamins that the body needs.

As you can see, the liver does a lot of things for you. Now one could ask, “What can I do for it? What healthy habits can be developed? How can I take care of it? ”

Don’t worry, today we will show you some small changes you can make in your daily life that will help you heal your liver.

1. Chicory roots

Chicory root has been used for centuries to cleanse the liver. Its main property is its ability to purify the blood and optimize liver function.

It is a natural remedy that can be used to supplement other treatments designed to dissolve gallstones or cure jaundice. In addition, it helps treat constipation and relieve headaches.

Ideally, you should take it with breakfast or after a main meal.

2. Artichokes

If there is any vegetable that is perfect for liver problems, it is artichoke. If you suffer from fatty liver, for example, you should eat them regularly.

They will help you reduce fat cells and renew tissue to avoid the much feared cirrhosis.

You can eat boiled artichokes with a little olive oil or drink the water that was used to boil them, mixed with a little lemon juice. That’s a great solution.

3. Dandelion and mint tea

Mint too

An article published in Global Healing Center magazine says we need to see the liver as the filter in an aquarium. If there are excess toxins in it, the whole tank will be filled with contaminants and the fish will get sick.

The same thing happens in our liver. We need to make sure it gets all the things it needs to filter properly.

For example, you can do this: Make a tea with 5 g dandelion leaves and 5 g mint leaves. These herbs break down fat in the liver, stimulate bile, remove toxins and improve digestion.

Ready to try this simple treatment?

4. Say yes to beetroot juice

Beets are tubers with an attractive blood red color and fresh, earthy taste. They are full of nutrients for our liver. They improve the regenerative ability of the liver as well as cleanse and strengthen it.

You can make a rich smoothie and drink it 2 to 3 times a week. Mix it in a glass of water and with half an apple and your body will thank you.

5. Eat garlic on an empty stomach for your liver


A clove of garlic on an empty stomach with a glass of water will help your body get used to cleansing itself of toxins at the beginning of the day.

This natural antibiotic is rich in allicin and selenium, two important compounds that strengthen the liver. It’s worth taking it regularly!

6. Lemons will heal your liver

Our liver needs vitamin C every day.

Our body cannot produce or synthesize it. It is a form of vitamin that needs to come from foods, making drinking lemon juice every day a smart idea.

Drink it with a glass of warm water. We also recommend that you add 3 grams of baking soda at least once a week to this mixture. Thanks to its properties, you have an alkaline agent that is great for your liver.

7. One cup of white tea a day

A cup of white tea

This natural drink is rich in antioxidants, even more so than green tea. Find it in health food stores and try to get the purest form available, which has a silvery color.

White tea is good for your liver and health in general, and you will no doubt benefit from drinking it.

Milk thistle defends your liver

Milk thistle improves digestion and stops toxins from accumulating in the liver and promotes their expulsion. It also stimulates the production of bile and optimizes the basic functions of the liver.

You can find milk thistle in health food stores and pharmacies. It is often sold in capsules or tea bags.

9. Green vegetables


Your diet should not lack cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and kale. It is also a good idea to prepare rich salads with bitter vegetables as they are also good for your liver, it could for example be:

  • Watercress
  • Arugula
  • Spinach
  • Escarole
  • Radishes
  • Parsley
  • Endive

The bitter taste is a clear sign that these foods are good for your liver, as the bitter taste means that they contain phytonutrients that help cleanse the body of toxins.

They also help control cholesterol, balance hormones, metabolize fat and cleanse the blood. They are fantastic!

10. Do you want to go for a walk?

Walking every day optimizes the basic function of your liver. It oxygenates the blood, improves heart health and promotes the removal of fats and toxins.

Something as simple as sweating a little, getting your muscles moving and your heart rate up does much more good than you think, all the while also being good for your liver.

Start using these tips in practice today so you can heal your liver!

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